Pregnancy Dragging?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I feel like I've known forever that's she's a girl, I feel like I've always been pregnant and feel like I've got aaaages to go. :wall:

Someone asked how far I was this morning and when I said she was due in August she said "oooh, you've got a long time to wait then!"

I have an organiser and everytime I go into it I cross the days off til my due date and it looks like friggin' ages :(

I want to be enjoying my pregnancy, don't get me wrong, I am! Every day I know I'm blessed with this little baby, but... Argh it's just dragging so much!! xx
even worse when you're not due till september :lol:
I feel the same way :) I think because bump is so obvious now and belly feels kind of tight all the time so being pregnant is something I'm aware of all the time! The days go by slowly at the moment... but we'll get there in the end! :D
It's the longest 9 months ever......if one more person says "enjoy the time to yourself while you cna" I'll kill them...... :lol:
Although I love being pregnant and love my baby, I wouldn't mind getting my body back! I'm not sure I remember what it was like NOT to be pregnant lol I've got till october to go! I just want to meet my baby but at the same time I want them to stay where they are so they can grow and develop as they should be if that makes sense.
I expect once our babies have arrived we will have forgotten how fed up we felt at times!
aww :hug: So far it feels like its been going scarily quick for me and want it to slow down alittle but I think now have had 20 week scan and know the sex and just cant wait to meet LO things will probably start to slow down. Maybe if you focus on crossing days off to little land marks not to your due date then you will feel your getting somewhere! I count day to next scan or appointment or land mark so right now counting days to next scan 12th may then it'll be to being 24 weeks then my 25 week appointment so its all nearer things.
Little Evie (hope have remembered right name) will be here before you know it and growing so quick you'll wonder where the time went :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm the same as Pentraze cos it seems to be going a bit too quick for me! I've had loads of little events/goals to tick off so been counting those down rather than the time until due date. Maybe you could try and do that too?
Yesterday i kept forgetting how long I had left and said I still had 4.5 months but then walked away and realised that it was only 3.5 months :shock: to me that seems scarily soon!
It will speed up again for you I'm sure :hug: :hug:
Since 20 weeks it has started flying by for me and I keep thinking I must get organised with the shopping otherwise I might leave it to late.
Although I feel like after 12 weeks things did start going qwiker but I know what you mean, maybe its cause we're excited and we just wanna meet them.

At the moment i find planning for the room, buying stuff etc helps me busy myself...

You're not alone love :hug:
It dragged for me too til i hit 30 weeks, then it flew past
Mine keeps going from one extreme to the other!! 1st tri felt like it lasted for ages but that could have been because I foundout so early. It seems like I've only been in here for 5 minutes but it's nearly 3 weeks already so it seems to be flying by.

for me the last couple of weeks before my 12 week scan were the longest and I think it'll do the same in the couple of weeks before my 20 week scan too and then I think it will just drag really slowly.
the past few weeks have gone quickly, but im counting down until i hit 37 weeks then i want her out!!!! I know i've got 8-11 weeks left but omg i wish she'd get out now!! It's starting to hurt a little and i'm getting very tired, I'll just start coutning the weekends until she's due, then it seems closer lol
My pregnancy seems to go in fits and starts, I know what you mean about having known the sex for ages - we've only known for a week and a half but it feels like months!

However then I then about all the shopping I have left to do and start worrying that I'm running out of time!
Claire&Jack said:
even worse when you're not due till september :lol:

Oooh this makes me feel like it's even further!

Coz I'm due end of August (21st) Realistically I've got to think I could be late, which takes it in to September and THAT feels like ages away!!

I think also coz the weather hasn't been too great, it doesn't even feel like summers started, let alone got to the end when the babies are due! :shock:

And I've had the same thing about people saying 'Oooh you're not far gone then!' :shock: WHAT?!!! Do they not KNOW how LONG i've been pregnant!! And I didn't even know about it until nearly 3months in so I can't complain much!! x
Hun, I know what you mean. I am finding the time is dragging loads, I think it's cos I am so excited for my 4d scan I just want the time to pass. I also feel as though I have been in 2nd tri for ages.

Lindsay said:
Hun, I know what you mean. I am finding the time is dragging loads, I think it's cos I am so excited for my 4d scan I just want the time to pass. I also feel as though I have been in 2nd tri for ages.


We'll be counting down the same time because our 4D scans are on the same day! :cheer: xx THAT's dragging too :roll: xx
It will be here soon enough dannii :hug: :hug: :hug: Then you'll miss being pregnant :wink: :hug: I like being pregnant and feel this one is going as fast as Isaac, so I'll swop you some fast dust for some of your slow :cheer: :hug: :cheer: Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey chick, I know what you mean, the days and months seem to go pretty slow but if you look back to when you found out does it not seem like yesterday? I can remember being about 8 or 9 weeks and willing it to be more like 20 weeks, and now that has been and gone but it only seems like a couple of weeks ago! Although it seems to go slowly when you look forward, you will soon enough be holding your baby and waking up every 2 or 3 hours to feed her, then weaning her, potty training her and before you know it, sending her to school!! These moments are precious and Im doing my best to remember them all and make the most of it. My first baby will be 3 at the end of this month and I remember having exactly the same thoughts when I was pregnant with him, but the time goes so fast, I cant believe he is not a baby anymore. They really do grow up overnight, so treasure every single moment of being pregnant cos once she is born you will miss your bump and feeling the kicks inside you. Its strange to say, but its true! You will never get these moments back again x
I echo what Redshoes says, I really missed being pregnant once my son was born.

I'm really enjoying my 2nd pregnancy, it seems to be flying by at the moment but I want it to slow down because I want to savour the experience.

But when I feel all the kicks I want it to hurry so I can meet my new baby.

I have my scan on the 16th of May so it'll be nice to see bubs again.
The trials and triubulations of pregnancy ey? :lol:

I also feel like the whole things been dragging but I think that was because I was nervous in case I had another m/c :oops:

I'm still a little worried about 'blob' even though I saw him/her only 2.5 weeks ago! My stomach was really starting to stick out a few days ago and now yesterday and today it feels as flat as a pancake :evil: (it's's just the beer belly bump again rather than obvious baby bump :roll: ) but I can feel a constant pressure on my lower spine so I think 'blobs' wriggled back a bit. Kind of annoying because it constantly makes me question if I need the toilet :rotfl:

I also count down the days until scans and midwife appointments - not due date. Although last week it felt great saying I was nearly 4 months and then the last two days it feels like 4 months is hardly anywhere! :x

I just keep thinking "3 months until I can retire from work!" LMOA! :rotfl: I fully intend on taking early maternity leave as I have to commute via bus and train which I can't see being much fun when I'm as big as a house .

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