Pregnancy blues


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May 30, 2011
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I never thought to join a site, but i don't wana talk to my friends or family about it cos they will worry and i dont wana bore them and my partner just thinks i worry too much. I feel sad and tired all the time at the moment. I was excited to have a baby when i found out but now everything is dawning on me and i feel under so much presure. Im currently at uni, going into my third year living quite far from home which is going to be hard, as it wasn't planned. But my partner doesn't seem to realise we need to get jobs over the summer and make some money so we can actually afford to have this baby. To him it's his last nine months of freedom but for us we already hav e the baby to look after. So not only have i been out and found myself a job for the summer, i have to start all my third year work for university over the summer as i will miss the start of the year and get the house rerady for the baby all whilst being pregnant and tired! I don't know if im moaning about nothing or if i should be feeling like this.
I have also always had a strange relationship with food and my weight which is another thing i am really stuggling with. I don't like the fact my clothes are starting to feel tight but i don't have a bump and i constantly check how much weight i am supposed to have put on up to this point to make sure i havnt put on anymore. All this decides to run through my mind when i try to go to sleep so the lack of sleep definitely doesnt help with how im feeling.
Is this normal? I mean i don't want to be the only person who is worrying about everything when i should be enjoying the fact that im going to have a baby
Awwwww Hun I'm sending u a big hug coz u sound like u need it!
I understand how your feeling with not being sure who to talk to I have gone through quite alot with my OH as he can be very selfish & inconsiderate and you don't want to sound like your winging & sometimes u don't feel all that comfortable talking to your friends or family also you don't want them taking judgement on your OH too!

I also understand it is not that easy talking to your OH as it goes in and out they just don't understand!
I have come to the way of thinking just sort myself out & baby and let them get on with it coz it will soon hit home. How many weeks are you? Xx
Hi firsttimemum21,
Don't worry we all worry and moan at some point, this is a good place to let it all out! I think the enormity of having a baby hits us girls a lot sooner that our partners. I worry all the time about what I'm taking on, I'm a student too, just about to go into my 4th year but have decided after talking to my tutors to take a year out to enjoy the baby and not be stressed about uni work.

We all stress about out weight on here too, long as your eating a healthy balanced diet I wouldn't worry too much, I put on 4 stone with my daughter and lost it all fairly quickly through breastfeeding mainly and a bit of exercise, although this time I'm not planning on putting that much on!
Thanks Sarah im glad we do all have a moan! Where abouts and what are you studying? I was thinking of taking a year out, but im not sure i would go back again! Well i would need to be motivated too but im sure it could be done.. Descisions descisons!!

And thank you Dani for the hug.. it honestly put a smile on my face reading that this morning :) I hope they learn soon that we need more help! or i may have to give him a kick up the backside!! But i agree with you the main thing is to look after ouselves and the baby. I am four months ust, seeing the midwife again next week which i am looking forward to. How many weeks are you?? xxx
I'm 22 wks OH just gets really jealous I live in London but from Liverpool I have come up to visit a few days and he's spat his dummy out I had a christening to go to sunday an it was cheaper travel for me if I came thur an leave tonight he's obviously pissed off told me to stay up here and not spoke to me for 2 days I called him before an he reckons he was busy still waiting for him to call me back I just feel stressed out don't wanna go home to agro an puttin a brave face on infront of my mum but she obviously knows somethin is up I feel like crying why do men do these stupid things! Xx
OK ladies, you are not moaning about "nothing" you are stressed and that is understandable. Re the weight issue/food issue situation....speak to your doctor tell them how you are feeling. its ok to feel like this hormones do funny things to our brains. BUT you know its a dangerous line you follow with the obessive thinking behaviour that can spiral quickly. Also, this lying awake at night thinking thinking thinking....I think that must be hormone related too for me as soon as I got pregnant in kicked the sleepless nights and that was before I knew I was pregnant. You are not alone, you have everyone here but what I would say is dont entertain any negative behaviour....get on do your own thing, take care of yourselves and your babies...remember when "people" and I mean men and women, behave in a negative distructive attention seeking way... do not pander or reward this behaviour with attention. It just makes it worse believe me Ive been there. You are strong women and resourceful and will be amazing the shear fact you are willing to face your fears head on by posting on here. Sending you lots of love xxx

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