Pregnancy - A wonderful experience


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
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I posted this in 3rd tri and then thought people in this part of the forum might like it. Tell me to shut up if you like. :oops:

Pregnancy is amazing. I love being pregnant.

The physical state of pregnancy offers so many things to enjoy and be in awe of. I wonder at the fact that this baby, this amazing, unique person, grew from microscopic cells and is a combination of me and my partner. I adore feeling her move inside of me, it is the closest bond I've ever had with another human being.

Pregnancy also offers women a renewed faith in their body. Seemingly outside of anything I have done, my body has housed and nourished my beloved child. A pregnant woman is beautiful. I feel more beautiful and natural than ever before.

Emotionally, pregnancy can be amazingly empowering. Pregnancy brings challenges in every sense - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Dealing with these challenges and facing the transition into motherhood reveals a far wiser woman. I know I will never be the same person I was - and that is a good thing.

When a woman is pregnant, all her personal relationships come into focus. There is an assessment of safety - of who we feel safe with. A spotlight is shone onto the relationship with your own mother and you temporarily and psychologically regress back to your own childhood, in an attempt to empathise with your child and in a determination to not repeat the mistakes your mother made. This process can be tremendously cleansing.

Ultimately pregnancy forces women to prepare psychologically for the biggest feat their body has ever faced - birthing of the child. There is courage shown by every woman approaching birth and following birth a woman is never the same again: she has something extra, something beautiful within herself.

The complications of pregnancy produce and reveal women of stamina and inherent strength. The situation forces a woman to show coping skills she never knew she had.

In a spiritual sense, pregnancy and birth connects us with all the women who have ever lived and birthed a child. We become the archetypal mother, we are the mother goddess in all of her forms. We become a channel for life to enter this physical world. It is a rite of passage. You become "Mother".

I believe our children choose us to be their parents. They leave their spiritual state in order to be in a physical body once again. This process causes spiritual changes in the pregnant woman; you have inside of you a being who is newly reborn into the physical, who is still close to the spirit world and the healing and renewal they received there. This means that your spiritual awareness may increase in pregnancy. It is not unknown for women to find that they are more psychically aware (reflected in dreams and increased intuition) and they may even see spirit beings during their pregnancy.

As a pregnant woman I am also connected deeply to my ancestors. Inside of me my child already has the cells which will give birth to future generations. Inside of my child are the influences of the past.

I can see ever more clearly my connection to all of nature. "Mother Earth" has her cycles in the seasons and these are reflected in my pregnancy. In the darkness and stillness of winter and deep in her belly (the ground) life begins to grow. In spring the seeds which were planted start to grow - just like in the early days of my pregnancy when my belly started to show. At summer when the sun is at its strongest and the land at its most fertile my belly is full and round - almost ready for the harvest - when my child comes from me and is finally birthed. Ultimately, spirituality and nature teach us that all which is birthed will eventually face death, with the hope of rebirth.

Another symbol of the Mother Goddess is the moon at its fullest. From her maiden phase (when the moon is a crescent and is waxing) the Goddess, and therefore women, progress naturally to be "Mother". The full moon is a symbol of the full pregnant belly of the mother and all the potential she holds. As she ages a woman becomes the old lady (or "crone") symbolised by the waning cresent and new dark moon. As the moon starts a new cycle, so do we.

Pregnancy is an amazing blessing to those who are able to experience it. I will always remember mine with awe and reverence.

hi dawn!
thanks for your post!!
i agree its amazing how a baby develops from a few cells!
i cannot wait til i am further on in my pregnancy!
i also cannot wait to have my baby either but do feel abit rough at the moment with the "morning" sickness.
take care and good luck on the birth!
claire :D
What a lovely post!

I on the other hand have experienced a whole mixture of emotions so far, and am just starting to enjoy the whole experience, although until I have my scan on 14th am still quite nervous!

I have felt scared, unsure, anxious, and on occasions very unsexy!

I hasten to add Im feeling much better, but cant deny that Im still anxious!
Thanks for that post, that's really beautiful! I felt that way after I'd had Elliott although through my first pregnancy I mostly moaned and felt hard done by and didn't enjoy it at all! I think this time I'm trying really hard to feel what a blessing it is, especially since I've experienced loss since having Mel. Sometimes it's very hard when you're tired and feeling spewy etc but really it's a small price to pay for doing the most amazing thing in bringing forth life. I actually felt sorry for my OH that he couldn't experience it like I had in a lot of ways, men can never have that physical relationship that comes from the baby being inside of you for so long. It took me a long time to actually think of Elliott as not being part of me which sounds strange but I think you're so used to thinking of yourself as a unit- like you're looking after the two of you and that just continues after birth.

Good luck for your birth hun- that's another totally new experience, my body took over and it was like my mind was very far off while my almost animal body just knew how to do this incredible thing, very strange (also this was due to a lot of gas and air but hey!).

Lovely to hear someone so positive! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I wish I could feel positive about it, but I feel ill and miserable still. I can't wait until this part passes.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry, I don't mean to be rude at all and I know this is how some people feel about pregnancy. But everyone I know hates / hated being pregnant. I'm so glad LO is in the outside world now.

In 20 years I hope to have rose tinted glasses and remember pregnancy in the beautiful way you have described :hug:

Yes, laughing at my post is rude.

I'm sorry that you only know people who hate being pregnant. Sounds very depressing to me.

Rather than 20 years time, I feel like this now. So I'm not looking back through tinted glasses.

Of course we all have a moan and I do moan just like the rest of I have SPD and my pregnancy isn't problem free....

I was being positive and some people are obviously incapable of that.

Daffodil said:

Yes, laughing at my post is rude.

I'm sorry that you only know people who hate being pregnant. Sounds very depressing to me.

Rather than 20 years time, I feel like this now. So I'm not looking back through tinted glasses.

Of course we all have a moan and I do moan just like the rest of I have SPD and my pregnancy isn't problem free....

I was being positive and some people are obviously incapable of that.


I dont think thats entirely fair, we are all very different and have difference experiences, some people sail through their pregnancies, glow the whole 9 months, and think being pregnant is a fantastic experience - others have worries, and these worries can be down to many different scenarios, previous miscarriage(s), relationship worries, age, to name but a few!

This is my first child and Im still in the 1st trimester so Im very scared and worried, and until I have my first scan on Mon will continue to feel this way. Im also in a strange country, albeit moving back to the UK soon (which brings other worries), my husband has recently been quite depressed, and I sometimes feel very alone - so how can pregnancy so far be a wonderful experience? Im not saying it wont be a little later on, just at the moment its all quite scarey!

Please dont judge other people for being honest and frank, we are all entitled to our opinions, and Im absolutely delighted you had such a lovely experience, and very much hope that I will feel the same way very soon!
Hi Elliebelle

I wasn't asking everyone to say they are having a great experience.

On this thread and the other one in third tri I tried to make it clear that I ALSO moan about pregnancy - I sometimes get really down days and I get fed up with it all....

This post was an attempt to look at the good things and I do generally feel this way about pregnancy.

Just like you I felt scared in the early days, after having two early miscarriages I wasn't sure my pregnancy would be OK.

I suppose I just thought that people would like this post...

My upset with Kalia was because she did a whole string of laughing at my post, which was totally rude. Also she said that everyone she knows hates being pregnant - so I said that I think that is pretty sad.

I had a bloomin' miserable time with my pregnancy, sick nearly every day, which finally stopped after Daniel popped out and I developed GD, which I am happy to say has now disappeared.
During the midst of it, at times I felt really rotten, but looking back, it actually wasn't that bad and I would do it all again, sickness (hopefully not GD) included!
At the time if someone had said to me think of one positive aspect of pregnancy, my only answer would have been, the growing baby inside me :)
I absolutely LOVED being pregnant last time - yeah I moaned a few times but I still loved every minute of it! I'm loving it so far this time too! :cheer:
What an amazing post!! I had a fantastic pregnancy and still am in awe of my "baby"-she is almost 18 months old and every day I cannot believe she is mine!!!

On the down side, I struggled when she was born for around six weeks-it was the hardest thing I had ever done and such a shock to the system but once I turned corner, it was amazing.

It gets better and better, and I adore every bone in her body, she is my bezzie mate :cheer:

You mums to be have SO much to look forward to :hug:
What an amazing post!! I had a fantastic pregnancy and still am in awe of my "baby"-she is almost 18 months old and every day I cannot believe she is mine!!!

On the down side, I struggled when she was born for around six weeks-it was the hardest thing I had ever done and such a shock to the system but once I turned corner, it was amazing.

It gets better and better, and I adore every bone in her body, she is my bezzie mate :cheer:

You mums to be have SO much to look forward to :hug:

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