

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Apologies for the weird title lol. Does anyone know if prawns are dangerous during pregnancy? I was told to avoid them but have just accidently eaten about 3 in some pasta salad! xxx
:) nothing to worry about with prawns as long as they are fully cooked, I think (and the salad was fresh too, I hope!)
Don't worry about prawns! I'm sure its just raw fish. :)
It was from a salad bar in a supermarket so i'm guessing it was all fresh. The prawns were in a some cold pasta so i'm not sure if they would have been cooked or not. I only had 2 or 3, but now im panicking. I've never been ill from prawns before but it would be just my luck to eat a bad one the day before my scan :( xxx
you should be fine, prawns in salads are normally well cooked hun xx
Ive been told from the start to avoid all shellfish, that includes prawns...but tbh the one off I'm sure wont be a problem at all! Dont panic!! Just avoid them from now on :)
Aswell to be served in a salad bar I would expect them to be clean, fresh and of course cooked so this once should be fine ;)
ps Im craving prawn cocktail so bad!! :( lol
NHS website states that its only uncooked shellfish that you should avoid and as long as its cooked properly is fine. I have eaten prawns through all 3 pregnancies and have been fine, its only to avoid food poisoning, i actually got food poisoning this time round but it was from pork of all things xx
As far as im aware they just advise you to avoid prawns, because there can be a risk of food poisoing if they're not cooked properly. im sure you'll be fine.
Thanks ladies, panic over. I will definitely be more careful in future. A few tasty prawns are no way worth the stress haha x
I've eaten shed loads of prawns. So long as fully cooked which I'm sure the ones you ate were.xx
ive eaten cooked prawns, they should never be eaten raw so any that you buy in salads or rice meals etc should be cooked before purchase.if u want a prawn cocktail then just make one and make sure the prawns are well cooked :)
My midwife said they are ok to eat as long as they are cooked. Who eats uncooked prawns anyway lol..

I've ate loads on sandwiches n stuff, went through a stage of eating them everyday..x

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