

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I know people have talked about this before but I can't find the thread! And at the time I remember I had NO idea what pram I wanted.

What you all going for?

I have fallen in love with the Stokke Xplory but they're bloody expensive! I have turned into a right saddo scouring Ebay and Preloved every day for a decent second hand one but they're still ridiculously expensive!

What's everyone else decided on?

Gem x
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way too much choice isnt there! im just browsing! the OH's parents have offered to buy ours and their pretty wealthy so im just gonna chose a real expensive one lol!! xxx
I have no idea! I'm just looking around at the moment. I think the in-laws are buying ours but I'm not happy about spending a fortune. I haven't actually been into any shops yet and touched any - just been getting an idea on line. I'm pretty sure I'll go for a 3-in-1 type but not sure which...

I'd be interested in what pram/pushchair everyone else is getting too...
After weeks of dithering, we are getting the urbo from mamas and papas. It is the only one that fits the criteria of what we need - compact size, lie flat mode for newborns and most importantly has the option of the seat facing forward. OH was adamant that he needed that cos he hated it when the only way for him to realise that his older kids were screaming their heads off when they were babies in the pushchair was when he got disgusted looks from passerbys! (he is Deaf)

The urbo also looks good and is light too so that is a bonus! A bit pricey thought - whole package incl car seat is £490. But we reckon it's worth every penny since it is a fair sturdy model and has good reviews.
After weeks of dithering, we are getting the urbo from mamas and papas. It is the only one that fits the criteria of what we need - compact size, lie flat mode for newborns and most importantly has the option of the seat facing forward. OH was adamant that he needed that cos he hated it when the only way for him to realise that his older kids were screaming their heads off when they were babies in the pushchair was when he got disgusted looks from passerbys! (he is Deaf)

The urbo also looks good and is light too so that is a bonus! A bit pricey thought - whole package incl car seat is £490. But we reckon it's worth every penny since it is a fair sturdy model and has good reviews.
hey hun...guna purchase our pram after lil ones born...but hoping to get the Icandy peach!! Gorgeous and very sturdy!! xx
I got mine yesterday for £50! YAY!! I got the Graco Milage travel system, brought it off my friend who hardly used it as her daughter spent alot of time in hospital after she was born! Gonna get a maclaren when little man's around 6 months as i love them!
We have decided to go for a tandem pushchair as its twins. The one in favout at the moment is a Obay zoom Tandem as they are full travel systems. I think it will be second hand as they are touching the £1000 mark with car seats and carrycots. So it will be a sharpe eye on ebay or the like


i have graco quattro tour sport in purple (midnight) travel system, and mamas and papas pliko pramette travel system, and our stroller is a hauck winnie the pooh sport :D i love them all for diff reasons :D xx
We're off to Bluewater on Saturday for our first pram shopping expedition... I am hoping that the lovely people at John Lewis can guide us in the right direction! We have got loads of vouchers left over from the wedding so we are going to use those to buy some baby stuff :)
We went shopping over the weekend and purchased ours...well my mum did! lol! We have gone for the Silvercross 3d in black, £50 off in Mothercare at the moment. Also bought the car seat to match. Sooo exciting....also with all the vouchers we received from mothercare we got an extra £20 off! Well worth registering with certain shops.

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