Power Pumping!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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My DH changes jobs next week and I have been a bit lazy with the pumping recently so had a little of a panic as my boobs are relatively empty in the evenings as Leorah has EBM that I have pumped during the day. I decided to try something I read about on a another forum - power pumping!!

On Monday night I spent the hour between 10 and 11pm alternately pumping from each boob for 10 mins and then rest 10 mins. I only got about 1½oz out. The next night by 10pm my boobs were full and I got 8oz out!! I could have carried on but I was tired and wanted to go to bed. this is great as I probably wont have time to pump in the mornings when DH's job changes.

If you feel your supply is low or need to get a regular pump routine going I would definitely suggest power pumping! It is recommended that you do it for a few days at the same hour each time. I guess I was lucky it only took one session :)
Wicked I shall try that if I need to get lots off :cheer: I have just bought a medela mini elec pump so I shall give that ago :cheer:

8oz :shock: wow thats alot :lol:
I was pumping 12oz a day! I now pump 8oz as I try and work in the evenings if my DH is home (and from next week he always will be :cheer: ) so he does the whole evening feeding routine and I don't have to keep stopping to go an BF though I still stop to go an have a cuddle as I miss my Leorah even if I am only in another room :lol:
Id also recommend this tea
http://babytea.co.uk/product_info.php?p ... 294448f16a

Its hungarian so i can buy it the shops but that is an engish link and the lady puts english instructions in with the tea. Its only £2 (50p here lol) and its amazing stuff! I had a touch of food posioning and the dehydration slowed my supply down a lot. I drank four cups of this tea a day for two days and now i still have a supply i cant cope with lol. I can pump off 4-5oz after Thea's feeds and believe me my girl is a greedy baby!
Cool Melanie I've just ordered some, as I've been stupid and let Otis feed mainly (well to be honest ONLY) from my right boob! As it is more comfortable for me :wall: . I now really only use my left boob for expressing - poor boob!! And I feel it could do with a boost, so I'll give this a try, besides I'm it won't hurt to boost my supply either and maybe it will help fatten up my skinny minnie - when he was weighed last week he was 13.5 - rather lean mi thinks, still he should (will) double his birth weight by the time he's 6 month (march 14th) so I'm not worried, but reading various posts other LO's seem to be surpassing him in the weight department!!!! :|
Melanie if there is a big demand may you should start selling this via ebay, I could only find the tea shop and one other ebayer selling this besides if you get it for 50p you could probably do a more competative rate than either present sellers?! :moon:
I also have a similar tea my brother bought me from the Uk called organic mother's helper. It has similar ingredients in it but I can't drink it and just realised why, it has coriander in it and Ican't bear even the slightest touch of it :puke: He used to work in a health food shop and said breastfeedng women couldn't get enough of it so tea is a good way to get supply up too :)
wow skatty, that is serious pumping!!
i have to start pumpin for when i go back to work so Jamie can have EBM but im only doin about 40ml a go!!
any ideas how to get my milk supply flowing when im pumpin, it just seems to stop dead?! :(
ah have just seen the oats thing - porridge for brekkie it is then! :D
Kay i think the most difficult part is having a let down, my boobs are often full but I find it hard sometimes to get them flowing! I read that its good to use all your senses so maybe look at a pic of your baby, make a recording of them and smell a piece of their clothing, I don't know if it works though :)
someone suggested to me to express whilst alice baby is crying, but i can't leave her crying for long.
I really can't pump when Leorah cries, it stresses me out. One day I had eaten some hidden dairy so my milk was effecting her badly so I got some special allergy milk from the doc. She hated it and was so upset and I was under pressure to pump breast milk and just couldn't so i left the room and drowned out her cries and managed to get the milk flowing. I do find that when I am not with her and think of something cute she does then my let down sometimes happens.
For me to get a let down I imagine how my let down feels ( it hurts ) and I imagin the tingly feel I get, always works :D
That's a graet tip Tasha, I'll give that a go :)

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