Potty training a boy - 26 months


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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Your experiences?

How long did it take? What techniques did you use?

Tbh I've been a really bad mum and done hardly any nappy off time, I told myself once it got warmer I'd try and train him, been out and bought him some big boy pants, not been home that much this weekend but yesterday and today I've taken his pants off at home, told him where the potty is and asked him if he needed a wee every 5/10 mins. He obviously had a accident but stopped after he felt a bit wet and I sat him in the potty and he finished his wee on the potty, followed by lots of yeyyyys. Today the same, (except he had a pair of undies on) and he trickled a tiny bit, said uhoh and stopped and I said it's ok, put him on the potty and he carried on (watching hisself wee), then flushed the wee away and said bye bye to it... Then he had a bath and after he was out before u dressed him asked if he wanted to try and wee, and he ran over too the potty tried to squeeze a wee out, then wanted me to empty and wave bye to his wee and he flushed. I'm sure that's just a fluke tbh.

Am I doing this right? As of tomorrow at home I'm going to have him just in undies and a tshirt.

How many pairs of undies do I need???

Thanks for any advice you can offer xxx

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Mummy to Joshua 23-01-10 &
Dylan 03-02-2012 <3 xx
My eldest daughter potty trained very quickly, within a few days she got the hang of going for a wee on the potty. Certainly within a week she was not really having any accidents. If she did have an accident it was with poo! That took a little longer and they do have the odd accident now and again until they are fully able to hold a little longer.

I did the same with Grace, she was 2 and a few months and I bought a potty that was like a little seat and just let her sit on it when watching telly and things and just explained what it was for and if she wanted she could do a wee or poo on it. Explained about pulling her pants down etc and one day out of the blue I found her sitting on it with her pants down doing a wee!! I was so excited, she was so proud of herself bless her! So from then I decided to keep asking her very often if she needed a wee or poo and kept prompting her to sit on the potty. She had a handful of accidents but that was it. In 3 days she had it. I took 2 weeks off work to just do it and get her trained as I knew she was ready. I put her in knickers rather than pull ups, she would just be lazy and go in the pull up because she knew she could so pants are best. T shirt and pants is perfect, they soon realise they don't like to be wet. You can usually tell when they need to go too so it's just about watching them closely and prompting after food and drinks. X
Sounds like a good start took me ages to sort out number 2s with Charlie though. Lots of praise and asking him often and grabbing him up quick when he starts going he'll get there!
Thanks ladies :) Laura that's amazing!!! Girls are quicker than boys so I think it's gonna take a few weeks.

How many pairs of underwear do I ideally need? I've got 7 ATM, I bought 14 but one of the packets had the wrong size in!

I've had the potty since he was 18 months but he just screams when I put him near it.

He still doesn't tell me when he needs to go, only when he's already done a poo. Xx

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Mummy to Joshua 23-01-10 &
Dylan 03-02-2012 <3 xx
Grace went through that phase, I didn't push it when she was like that as I think she just wasn't ready then. I think when they are ready it just happens quite quickly. It was her grandparent that kept bloody forcing her and she would scream anytime we even mentioned the potty. I had to be quite firm and tell them to stop as it was causing a issue. Maybe he needs a bit longer. Boys do seem to take a little longer than girls do from what I've heard. Just loads of praise even for sitting on the potty was how we started, make it tempting to even just sit on it :)

Think we only started with 2 packs of pants (14) and went from there :)
He keeps using it as a tele chair ATM ... And willingly sat on it this evening when I asked if he wanted too try for a wee. Will see how he is, I won't push him if it makes him distressed.
My mums been nagging about it since he was 18 months, she said she was supprised the hv hadn't complained he was still in nappies!! Why does everyone want them too grow up so much!

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Mummy to Joshua 23-01-10 &
Dylan 03-02-2012 <3 xx
I know, it did my head in!!!

Sounds like he's on the right track hun, sounds like your doing a great job :)
Boys do take longer than girls to potty train, most of the families I've worked with have left it until they're 3 when they're understanding is better. Don't force it, if he's ready he'll pick it up quickly, if he's not ready he'll get distressed and it'll be harder next time you try.

Don't bother with training pants or pull ups, they are too much like nappies. Most children don't get the feeling of being wet like they don't in proper pants, and think they're still wearing a nappy so think it's ok to wee in it.
Both my boys were around 2 and a half when they trained and I left it till they showed they were ready by doing an occasional wee on potty etc !! I also did a reward system with them they got a choc button everytime the did a wee and something a little bigger when they did a poo . I would get another pack of pants as u do lose a few !! Good luck sounds like he is doing fab !! Xxx


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