Possibility?? help please


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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im not on any birth control and had un-protected sex thursday.
wed till yes i had discharge that was familiar with ovulating and i worked it out to be the right time.
today the discharge has changed as if i have now ovulated.

What are the chances i could end up with my BFP?
thanks for all the advice and support ladies! xxx
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If it was at the right time there is a 1/5 or 20% change you are pregnant.

Do you want to be?
If you've had unprotected sex then there's every chance you could be pregnant.
guess the way i worded it did sound a bit funny i guess :/
but yes i really want it to happen!
You need to take a test when your period is due
yeah was going to; its that two week wait now!
that annoying bit!!
Unfortunatly spanzee it looks like your in your tww, gud luck when your time comes to take hpt xxx
Well if you did ovulated as you calculated you have a greater chance but last month my calculations were totally wrong as I have found out this month by using OPKs. you can get the test strips on eBay dead cheap then next cycle you will know for def the best time to DTD x
as im new to this im unsure, but i did have a few twinges by my ovaries within the few days so im hoping i calculated correctly :D x
hiya hun.. some ladies get a few twinges when ovulating and others get a few cramps/twinges when/if implementation has occured (usually between 6DPO & 10DPO) how many days DPO were you when you got the twinges? x
they were as i was due to ovulate and the 1st and 2nd dpo x
yeah thats probably ovulation pains...so as someone said earlier your chances of being pregnant are 20%... between 6DPO & 10DPO for some people (not all) when implementation is occuring cramps and spotting may be experienced which are signs of pregnancy look out for those x how many DPO are you now? x

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