Posseting/sicky help! *UPDATED* :(


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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Ok, after my 'yay' post, I'm worrying already! I tried doing a search but only got two results.

I think we're having a growth spurt as we were both up all night feeding, and this morning's been quite similar. One boob seems to have a very fast 'let down' (I think that's right). Anyway, last night before bed, I was feeding with the fast boob, she had a little splutter and when my nipple came away it was like a jet all over her face and my body :oops:. I didn't know this was possible!

Anyway, we continued feeding for 20 minutes or so, and put her to bed eventually. She was making noises (no sick yet) and after a few minutes was eventually sick, but there was quite a lot and we had to bath her, it went up over her eyes and in her hair at the back (I think it went so far because I panicked and tried to muslin-mop it when she was being sick). After another short feed she was ok, she fed a lot last night.

Then today she's been very hungry too, MW today suggested growth spurt. She woke about lunchtime, had a long good 20 minutes feed on non-jet boob. She wanted more afterwards so I offered the same boob for a bit. It became clear she still wasn't done after pulling off so I offered the fast boob this time. She took a fair bit, not massive amount, but has since been sick twice (not much and appears to be what I'd expect from posseting after having a quick read on the net).

Problem is, I can't find what I should do about it. I can wind her for longer afterwards, she seems so tiny I can't quite get the hang of it. I don't want to express yet as I'm only ten days in.

Please help, I'm such a worrier these days!:)
There is probably a little wind getting trapped hun which is bringing up the milk with it. She is probably taking in air when you have the let down. If it a little too fast for her you can always when you have the letdown just let it soak into a cloth for a second then put baby back on. I used to do this with Calleigh. As she gets older she will get used to the fast let down.
I found when Calleigh was little it was easier to hold her on my lap under her chin and rub her back to wind her. They seem so fragile dont they :hug:
I had this concern when Angel was small. They told me it was probably a growth spurt and she was just being a bit of a pig. She was eating more than she could handle and throwing up the rest. If she carries on though keep at your mw/HV.
We had a better time last night and today until about 5.30, we had nappy change then feeding, we had two from one boob but she still seemed hungry so we started on boob number two. About ten minutes in, she stops and just throws up down my front, there was so much it was over her shoulder, my boob, the pillow and over some of me jeans.

In retrospect it was unlikely to have been everything she ate, so hopefully she was just being a pig and taking too much. It was so upsetting though! I'm finding it hard work enough as it is, without thinking my efforts are sitting on my lap.

Is she too young for this to be reflux? :pray: it's not :(
Not sure about reflux hun i know nothing about it, but i know there is a sticky thread for it in the feeding section.

Plus there are plenty of mummies with babies with reflux problems who may be able to advise you :hug:
Sounds like one of two things...

Your let down is so fast that she is having to gulp away, catching air and when she tries to bring her wind back up she brings back the milk or...

Shes being a piggy. Shes just stuffing herself to bursting point then throwing up the excess.

Lil miss is a rarity in the fact shes a booby baby with reflux... but she didn't really start with the reflux until she was around 3 weeks old...and they throw up all the time... not just after feeds. Also after they have thrown up they are still terribly hungry and will have a big feed again. If that helps :)

She's probably just being a piggy which is really common with LO in their first few weeks. They are growing so fast and so much they just pig out all the time. I know what you mean by frustrated and feeling that your efforts have gone to waste... Booby milk is like gold dust in our family.
Thanks so much for all of your replies.

I really hope you're right Squiglet, I'm going to hope you're onto something with the fast flow and piggyness, I'm beginning to think she is being a little greedy at the moment.
How often are you winding her? With DD is we didn't wind a lot she would throw up. It's only in the last month that we can safely just wind her at the end of a feed. Winding every 5 minutes might help.

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