Positive thoughts please...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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please think postitive thoughts everyone....

hopefuly my covernote shall arrive today and i can tax my car so i can drive it :D

im sooo impatient... after blowing up my last fiesta (RIP) i bought a new one on saturday but it had no tax, AND apparently u cant tax it without proof of insurance :evil: grrrrr lol so i waited in yesterday as diamond said it wud be here yesterday as it was sent first class sat, but oh no...

so postive thoughts today for my cover note...

also positive thoughts for my car... hopefully i shall not kill this one quite as quickly ;) hahahah
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Positive thoughts!

We're also hoping to get our car back today. It's been in the garage for a week with an oil leak, oil was everywhere! Costing about £500 to fix :shock:
hahah that was the problm with my last car... lack of oil... lack of a working warning oil light, ahahah apparently when the piston went thru the side of the engine my oil drained which i wud have known about had the light worked, which i apparently shud haev known didnt work...

hmmm anyone else puzzled.. haha
Oh god that's crap hun! God damn non working lights! My brother ignored an oil light once and needed a whole new engine funny thing was he'd only had the car for a week :lol:
You are good. I have to admit that I wasn't quite so good when I got my new car a couple of weeks ago. :oops:

I also bought a car with no tax. I bought it on the Saturday, rang my insurance and got it covered, but the insurance documents didn't come until Wednesday, so it had no tax until then. Unfortunately I had to drive it twice a day to get Kayleigh to school and back. I was paranoid that I would get stopped, and had all the rest of the paperwork (MOT, V5, and cheque for the tax already made out) in the glove box!

I put my old dead car on Ebay, and it sold last night for £360! :shock: It's a knacker and not even running! The bloke has already paid me in full by Paypal and is coming to collect it on Saturday! :dance:

Sending you loads of good vibes hun.
i had my car 3 months before i killed it, the car was making a funny noise in the week prior to dying, which dad called a "old car noise" hahah

quite traumatic seeing as it was my first car, not nearly half as traumatic as selling the car to my neighbour who then went on to remove doors/lights/seats etc out of my beloved brum :l
tankett said:
You are good. I have to admit that I wasn't quite so good when I got my new car a couple of weeks ago. :oops:

I also bought a car with no tax. I bought it on the Saturday, rang my insurance and got it covered, but the insurance documents didn't come until Wednesday, so it had no tax until then. Unfortunately I had to drive it twice a day to get Kayleigh to school and back. I was paranoid that I would get stopped, and had all the rest of the paperwork (MOT, V5, and cheque for the tax already made out) in the glove box!

I put my old dead car on Ebay, and it sold last night for £360! :shock: It's a knacker and not even running! The bloke has already paid me in full by Paypal and is coming to collect it on Saturday! :dance:

Sending you loads of good vibes hun.

the only reason im being "good" is coz the car is at my mothers 40miles away! lol

otherwise id of probably been in a lot of trouble by now ;)
Ladies why not buy your road tax online?

I forgot about mine in the summer and realised the day it was due to expire but we were going down South to visit my family so I logged on to http://www.vehiclelicence.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/ It automatically checks that your car is insured and has a valid MOT cert (providing the garage that carried out the MOT uses the newish MOT certs).

I called the helpline after I bought the tax online to ask what would happen if I got stopped by the police or traffic warden for not having a tax disc (takes a few days for them to send the disc to you) and they said it would be fine because as far as the DVLA were concerned my car has a valid tax disc.


i already tried that hunny!! u have to be the registered keeper, but obviously i have only just bought the car so i have only got the lil green slip

thanks tho hunny xx
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
YAY watch out yorkshire shes on the roads again :wink:

hahah i kno, everyone has said ring me and warn me when u get ur covernote.. hhahahhaha :D
dont worry about the oil light when the piston goes thru the side of the engine it would be cheaper to get a new car anyway! you would need to chuck a new engine in it....which would be cheap if you can/know someone that can do an engine conversion....cause im sure you can get fiesta engines next to nothing. Do you still have the car? you could do that and make a profit if you know a teccy?

How sad am I then again this time last year there was an engine been rebuilt in this living room :shock: needless to say i have banned Alan from doing that again!
nope... young lad who lives next door to me flew round to buy the car off me when he saw it towed back by the rac haha

its well gone... haha

its in car heaven, in bits :l acutally i can seet one of the doors in his garden, and i think thats teh exhaust

I guess he had the idea first then hehe, selling it for parts or replacing the engine?

I never understand when i see brand new cars in scrappys just because they have had a bump on the side, i dont know why people dont opt to buy it back off the scrappy they could make tonnes of money selling it for spares and repairs or even more if they ripped it to parts and sold it like that...

We got a gti-6 engine from a nearly new vti in a scrappy for £150 its sitting in the garage as alan wants to chuck it in his car but if we wanted to sell it, would go for around £600+ all that was wrong with the car was a bump on the side.

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