Position of baby questions


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I saw my midwife for a checkup today and she said that the baby is lying kind of sideways- head down but with its back facing my left hand side and back and its feet etc to the right of my tum which totally makes sense of the bumpy limbs I've been feeling down my right side and the movement of limbs across my belly. She said not to worry at this point as its still free but what kind of things can I do and do they work? I've been sleeping on my left side for weeks which is where the baby's back is and I read that the back kind of floats to your lowest point so if you're leaning forward it tends to move to the front etc so could this be why it's on the left hand side do you think? One website even suggested sleeping on your front if you're well supported by cushions but I can't see how that would work and it seems wrong!

Any tips?

Thats the exact way my baby is lying, bum to one side & legs poking out the other. At my last 2 appts he's been in this position, he was also 3/5s engaged at the last appt. I did ask if it was ok & they both said it was completely fine. Did your MW say that the baby should have its bum in the centre with legs to the back??

I'm sure I read that sitting on the floor leaning over, maybe on a cushion or a footstool is good as it gives the baby the most space to change position. Also leaning over on all 4s.

I will ask my MW about this tomorrow as I have another appt. If she tells me anything I will let you know. xx
Well she kind of suggested going on all fours a bit so I wasn't sure how much of an issue it was- there was a trainee midwife there and she pointed out to her the fact that you could tell as there's a dip under my belly button and a space at the bottom because it's lying that way. If you could ask that would be great! She was also running late so I was trying to get all my questions in as quickly as I could so I didn't have time to question her more.

My little girl was laid in the same position when I was in labour. The midwife put me on my right hand side with pillows on between my knees... you could try that.

I wouldn't worry though, even if your baby is in the same position when your in labour they will put you in the right position :)

H x
I dont think it's much of an issue atm, as logn as baby is head down they can change possition within that loads before birth.

I remember being really worried she'd be back toback as she moved at about 38 weeks but when it came to it she was positioned perfectly.

I think advice on it is mainly to keep your back straight, dont slouch etc, and being on all fours can help too
Hey! Just back from MW. I asked about this as my baby's bum is still to the side. She said it wasn't anything to worry about at all. Ideally he should have his bum in the middle but she said that it should happen before labour. I did ask if I should do anything but she said it wasn't an issue. This was a senior MW so it sounds like its not anything to worry about.
Thank you thank you thank you ladies- you've made me feel much better!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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