poorly baby... again... seriously?!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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cian is ill again... Apparantly a meningitis scare and turning blue isnt enough for my bub! Though so far this time is not even close to them!
Started getting a cold last weekend. last few days started wheezing and coughing again. loads today, so took him to the walk in centre. They dont think its bronchiolitis again as he was breathing slowly when we were there... they didnt see him earlier!
They have put him back on inhalers... Could this be a sign that hes asthmatic? Can they even be asthmatic at 5 mths?! I know after the bronchiolitis they said he was much more likely to get asthma now, basically because theres a family history + the severe bronch..
Im just worried that every cold/cough is going to have to turn into him going back on inhalers?
Any ideas?
Oh hon Im sorry I have no advise or ideas for you but just saw this and wanted to reply...must be tough. I know the feeling kinda cos our little one has had mrsa twice - but just superficial in the skin and I felt like 'is this gonna happen every time he gets a little spot'. It's the not knowing and feeling out of control. Hope he gets better.:hugs:
I was asthmatic when born so a possibility! Defo ask a GP to test for it, I've habit all my life literally from day 1 to now and I'm 20, doesn't cause me too many issues as long as I keep it under control. X
Yeah. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 10 but I've never had it took bad. My sister had it as a child and it's the memories of that that worry me. I can't even remember how many times I was woken up to be dropped at my grandparents coz she was having bad attacks and turning blue. I think I will make a doc appointment because if it is that I'd rather it was controlled rather than having this every month or so!
i dont think they willdiagnos asthma utill toddlers butdaisy had broncolitis and is now with another cold and it gone right to her chest agai im sure she gona be prone as well
Looking at my kids who have asthma, yes there were signs from this age unfortunately :( but then again my eldest had very bad pneumonia at age 4 months and never even so much as had a chest infection since! And he's 20 :lol:

How is lo now hun?
Erm same really, in the sense he still breathes weird - starts to go blue every 2 or 3 days? Guess just used to it now, which sucks. But I'm about to make another post about him, unrelated. He just seems to be freaking me out! Thanks annette x

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