Poo talk.........


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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So sorry to inflict this on you all but this is about my bowel movements so if you are of a delicate nature, look away now!

I struggle a bit with constipation at the best of times but I haven't been at the mo for 6 days!!

Way too long!!

Any tips other than liquorice, prunes, figs etc?

I'm trying the hot water and hoping to get a bottle of the old lactulose tomorrow.

Any other sufferers??


Rachel Dawn 02.10.01
Craig William 29.12.03
Emma Mary M/C Delivered 02.05.08

Baby due 18.04.08
I've had a bit of bother too. I've found that ordinary yoghurt seems to help loads. I usually have one every other day. I'm not as regular as I'd like, but it's better than not going at all ;)
I have been havin problems with this for weeks now, lactulose seemed to work for a while but starting to struggle again even with taking it!! :roll: :wall:

Haven't tried the yoghurt, will give it a go.

Will probably spare you an update though.

Thanks girls,

Julie xxxxx
I had trouble at the start with not "going" and ate grapes and cabbage... My nanna told me so :lol: and they worked... xxx
iv not had any problems with this so far touch wood, but hope it gets better soon lots of fab advice there :D :hug: :hug:
Hi :wave: ur not alone ive not been since tues so im on day 5 today!!! it's horrible and sooo uncomfortable... and TBH when i go it's not a very nice experiance :lol: i actually dread it!! but i wont go into that :) sorry no magic cures :wall:, but if u find one please let me no :hug:

I can really sympathise with you.

My record has been 5 days. The ironic thing is that I can wee for England but just cannot do the other side!!!

I find the best thing is the Lactose to be honest, that seems to work for me. xx

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