Poll Sweet or Savoury?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
I love both but if i had to chose between a chocolate fudge cake or crisps
Choccy cake wins hands down
What our your favorite sweet savoury foods?
Mine the above and lemon meringue yummy yummy
till James has gone back to work tommorow night
Im making this promise as i have become way to addicted to this site :oops:
Any one else having the same thing happen?
Sweet definately.

Er..yes I probably am addicted, have you seen my post count! :oops:
Im adddicted too a day doesnt pass without being on here :D

Thats a tough one i love sweet but i cant get enough of cheese at the mo :think:
I voted sweet but since I've been pregnant it's been savoury all the way.

My love of chocolate is slowly returning though :D

As for addiction to this site, I've only been on here since the end of August (4 and a half months) and I'm pushing 1000 posts :shock:
Hi :wave:

Savoury for me, the thought of anything sweet(except fruit) just makes me want to be sick!! I eat about 5 bags of crisps a day, also cant get enough of pistachio nuts!!
Hi bhe101
Wow 5 packets of crips what flavours our your fave?
my fave are salt and vinegar hoops and squares, Paprika max ridges prawn cocktail walkers and spicy nick nacs lovley!
I usually buy 2 packets after work on eto eat as i walk down the drive way and one to eat after my tea.
But i also do the same with chocolate buy one for eating while waiting for my tea to cook and one to eat as desert.
Oh i know that is soooooooooo bad
I dont do it every night just when im in a mood, unhapy or just plain dying for naughty food.
I love those new misiltoe kisses and Mars planets
And my fave chocolate is caburys cream eggs
Any !! At the moment iv got a drawer full of mixed flavour squares and cheesey wotsits!! Mmm, must remember to get some skips though!
I usually wait till Iv put my daughter to bed and just stuff my face one after the other :oops:
I do eat lots of fruit though so its not all bad!
bhe101 said:
Any !! At the moment iv got a drawer full of mixed flavour squares and cheesey wotsits!! Mmm, must remember to get some skips though!
I usually wait till Iv put my daughter to bed and just stuff my face one after the other :oops:
I do eat lots of fruit though so its not all bad!

Mmmmmmmm Wotsits
I normally prefer savoury things but since i've been pregnant I only want sweet things and gone off savoury :)
BOTH! I couldnt vote both though :(

I started off craving sweet things.....namely malteasers, Toffiffee's, Ferrero Rochez....and other sweeties

Then I went on to savoury.....cheese, crisps ( although Im a crisps addict - wotsits for me too ) cold meat, prawns

oh Im lying I like ALL FOOD :rotfl:

seriously though I have had to be good for over a week now as my bum got too fat ( according to my Mum ) and Ive lost 2lb so far :cheer:
I voted savoury. Usually I would opt for chocolate, but this pregnancy has made me more of a crispoholic.

As for the forum...it is soooo addictive! I have been here for about 15 months now and I check it at every opportunity. I feel bad if I haven't been on and answered people's posts for a few days because I have been busy with work.

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