Please Help


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Right so the story goes like this :lol:

I was due to finish work 3 weeks before my due date with 2 of those weeks as holiday as i wont be back in work this holiday year. Unfortunately i have been signed off sick by my doctor for 4 weeks which takes me to 37 weeks so i know that because my sick note says pregnancy complications that my maternity pay will kick in at 36 weeks instead of 39 as initially planned by me and my manager - but what happens to the 2 weeks holiday that i was supposed to be taking?

I'm thinking i will just be paid for them but when will i receive that holiday pay - does anyone no?

Will it be whilst i am on maternity leave or at the end of the holiday year (which is december for us?)

Any help greatly appreciated!


I planned to start my maternity 3 weeks before i was due with one of the weeks being annual leave, I was then signed off work at 30 weeks because i was at high risk of developing pre-eclampsia (ended up being addmitted to hospital etc with it)

My annual leave was just carried forward to the following year and i am taking it after my maternity pay runs out.

You will have to check with your work though because at the company i work for you are only aloud to carry forward a max of 5 days :)
Hi, as I can't carry holidays over to another holiday year (except for the 5 days as mentioned by Lola's Mummy) I will be taking payment for them. I won't be able to get the payment however until I come back next year. I think that may be pretty standard.
I planned to use hols at the start of my ML but LO came early and apparently you have to start your maternity leave (and thus pay) when the baby is born. I took the hols at the end of my leave instead. If you have problems with it crossing over a year, maybe you could use the "keeping in touch days". I think these allow you to "work" for 10 days during your maternity leave without your maternity leave finishing. Maybe you could have the hols paid instead of getting paid to work?

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