please help

Donna Denness

Mar 6, 2008
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I am so glad i found this forum. my husband and i have been ttc for just over two years. We have had a lot of stress which i know can affect fertility but i have heard so many do's, dont's, old wives tales, stop trying then it will happen ( has anyone else heard that? It is the most frustrating thing because if i didn't want to be a mummy so badly then maybe i could just not think about it ). My head is totally in a spin and i just need some solid advice and support x Just good to know that I'm not alone. :cry:
You are certainly not alone here! You will find all the support you could ask for!

Wishing you lots of babydust and have a big one of these :hug:
I try to tell myself that all this waiting will make us appreciate our babies even more WHEN they come along!
That is a great way to look at it. I lost hope for a very short while and was down but then i thought, everything happens for a reason and my baby will come WHEN the time is right x Honestly I am so relieved to find this forum I could cry x
Hi Donna!:wave: Welcome to the forum. Feel free to ask any question. Someone will try to answer it. When I found this forum I realised I'd been trying to get pg at the wrong time of the month for at least 6 months!

I've learnt loads from all the lovely ladies. Hang in there it will happen. Have you been to your Doc about it?
Hi :wave:

I have been to the doctors and had a blood test. I was also using ovulation kits regularly. I stopped using them as people were telling me that i was putting myself and my hubby under too much pressure. I know i ovulate and the doctors said that my blood test was fine, My husbad has a child from a previous relationship so he was quite sure that he was fine, I explained that anything could have changed so he has done a sperm test any way, the quantity was fine, however the quality was not so good. But we have been told stress is a major factor in that. We are going to give it another couple of months then go back to the doctors.

I just sometimes want us to be able to relax about it but I long so much for a baby an so does my husband. He is such a great dad. Do you think that i should get back to the doctors? I just think that until you have been trying for at least two years they tend to brush you off x Now we have been trying for so long maybe i should see if they change there opinion? So frustrating x
:wave: Donna,

You could go back to the Drs - they might tell you that they wont do anything yet but maybe its worth a try - at least you would know whether there was anything they will do now to help....They might repeat the blood tests for you if nothing else? :hug:
i have always beleived that the stork *makes* us pregnant but for now untill we get our BFPs we will just have to guess that he is either on holiday or his sat nav is broken :)

chin up hun xxxx
hi hun :wave: welcome to the forum :hug:
you'll find all the support you could ever wish for on here. The girls are all lovely and everyone understands what its like to want a bambino so badly and to TTC only for the witch to keep turning up :( coming here makes everyhting so much easier. We all share eachothers excitement, fears, tears and have a good old laugh at the same time :lol:

I was TTC for a year and nothing happened. My version of TTC was doing the deed ALOT but nothing else....we had a break as we were getting disappointed. I joined the forum about 8months later and learnt lots of tips and tricks and I had a visit from the stork after 3 cycles :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Im now due in max 10 weeks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

really really hope you get your bfp soon xxx
sorry i think i am being really stupid but i dont know some of the abreviations. what does bfp stand for?

Thank you all for your support i feel so much better already x
Definitely go back to the Docs. I'd been only trying a year when my Doc referred me to the Gynae unit. He did the blood and sperm tests too. I fell pg (pregnant) just before my appointment, sadly it didn't stick. I m/c (miscarried) in Nov had 1 month off and the Doc said if i'm not pg this cycle I'm to go back to him and he'll refer me again.

I do have a very understanding practice, but 2 years and they're not going to refer you??? Ridiculous! Go back and ask to be reffered. My Doc said I prob didn't need it but reffered me anyway as sometimes just knowing something is being done can change your mind set. It worked I fell p/g within weeks of being him reffering me.

Also ever the Chartstalker have you thought about charting? It's taught me so much about my body that I didn't know. There's a chartstalkers thread if you fancy it.
:wave: Hi and welcome, Hope you get your BFP soon :wave:
Thank you so much for those links x
I agree with what you suggested about the doctors. I am so sick of's ok it will happen when it happens, you are young , give it time :wall: sometimes i wish people would understand what a worry it is x thank you all so much x :hug:

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