Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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:( :( :( :( :( :(

i had a really bad night last night with my hands,please please please can someone tell me the best splints/supports i need to buy to ease the pain!
i cannot go on like this,i need to get some pain free sleep! :(

(see my last thread called pain for more info)
Dont know if you can buy the splints hun. I got mine from the hospital.

Probably worth asking a chemist or something.
thanks so much for looking for me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

just wondered if anyone had used them before,and if so which are the best/most comfortable?
it would mainly be in bed i would wear them.............
i would go to the physio tbh. I was going to pay out for a bump support, but got one free from the hospital!

might be worth popping a post in ask a mum - someone who has already had a bubs may be able to help as well.

Hope it clears up soon huni :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks sam!
not sure is physio would help as ive been told to try and keep them still and rest them,very hard though when its your hands! :wall:
i am going to see if i can get some kind of support on the nhs though,although TBH i would gladly pay for some if they would help,its just knowing which to buy first time round so i don't waste money buying the wrong thing......... :( :think:
Sounds like carpal tunnel honey, go and see your doctor and say its urgent as you haven't slept properly in ages. your doc should refer you to a physio/local hospital asap and they'll measure you up and get the right splints for your hands. If the pain persists after your baby they will recommend a steroid injection in your wrist - worked a dream for me :)

Good luck hon

I have this and its really painful and uncomfortable. You need to get your doctor to refer you to a physio and she will fit you out with splints and the correct size. My physio was realistic to know that its hard to wear the all day but she said to wear the evening and night if possible. My hands have got worse has the pregnancy has progressed so you need to get seen to asap. :hug:

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