I so desperately want to stay team green but I know i'll end up caving in on my scan day and finding out the sex!
We were adamant that we would find out, we figured it'd be more practical cus we've already got loads of boy stuff so wouldnt need much if its a boy.. but then Chester was mainly in white and cream as a newb anyway.
I so desperatly want a VBAC and I think the thought of DH telling me the sex will be the greatest! Even if I do have to have a section I still want him to tell me and will want the anticipation of guessing what my bump is!
And if i've waited 20 weeks I can wait 20 more surely?!
Who else is staying team green???
Do u wanna be my team green buddy!
We were adamant that we would find out, we figured it'd be more practical cus we've already got loads of boy stuff so wouldnt need much if its a boy.. but then Chester was mainly in white and cream as a newb anyway.
I so desperatly want a VBAC and I think the thought of DH telling me the sex will be the greatest! Even if I do have to have a section I still want him to tell me and will want the anticipation of guessing what my bump is!
And if i've waited 20 weeks I can wait 20 more surely?!
Who else is staying team green???
Do u wanna be my team green buddy!