Please help me stay team green!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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I so desperately want to stay team green but I know i'll end up caving in on my scan day and finding out the sex!

We were adamant that we would find out, we figured it'd be more practical cus we've already got loads of boy stuff so wouldnt need much if its a boy.. but then Chester was mainly in white and cream as a newb anyway.

I so desperatly want a VBAC and I think the thought of DH telling me the sex will be the greatest! Even if I do have to have a section I still want him to tell me and will want the anticipation of guessing what my bump is!

And if i've waited 20 weeks I can wait 20 more surely?!

Who else is staying team green???

Do u wanna be my team green buddy!
hi I'll be your buddy, where I am we dont get the 20 week scan, we only get the 12 week one so I woont find out before either, kath x
Hi Kath :wave:

Sorry you dont get the 20 week scan. At my hospital the main point of the scan is to check the heart, kidneys and other major organs - do they do that at your 12 week scan or not at all? xx
Chezza - are you team Green? :hug:

Indie - Yay go TG! :cheer:
Good luck....i couldnt do it i was desperate to know :D
*sara* said:
Good luck....i couldnt do it i was desperate to know :D

Yeah im at that stage now!!!! Wish I had more willpower! :wall:
Good luck hun, as you said, if you've waited 20 weeks already and are halfway through, you CAN wait another 20!

I really tried hard to stay team green as I sooo wanted the big suprise but I just saw too much when I was in there looking at the screen and it was so blimmin' obvious, I just knew! :lol: Just don't look too much and tell them as soon as you go in there that you don't wanna know!
xkikix - I'll be your team green buddy!

I'm in Scotland too, like kathmac - in most areas, we don't get a 20 week scan so I don't have a choice! They don't do the anomoly scans (checking all the bits you listed) as its not possible at the 12-14 week scan, so you just have to keep your fingers crossed everything is okay.

Valentine Xxx
If it helps I loved being team green both times and if/when we have another would stay green too. It seems like ages to wait but it's such a short time in the grand scheme of things and it really is special when OH tells you what flavour your baby is! Plus it's so much fun guessing and having strangers (or relatives!) tell you it's DEFINITIELY a boy/girl bump...

Good luck staying strong :hug: :D
I had know choice i wanted to stay team green and the sonographer slipped up saying we are having a boy. Im really paranoid now though because im carrying totally different and everyone keeps saying thats a nice pink bump! Im screaming saying its not!! Everything i have is blue, please come out a boy :pray: :cheer:
xjdx said:
I had know choice i wanted to stay team green and the sonographer slipped up saying we are having a boy. Im really paranoid now though because im carrying totally different and everyone keeps saying thats a nice pink bump! Im screaming saying its not!! Everything i have is blue, please come out a boy :pray: :cheer:

Im the opposite... EVERYONE is saying blue bump lol but shes a girl... haha.

I was wayyy to impatient and really really had to know lol.

Would try to stay team green next time though...xx
i could do with a team green buddie! I have ad my 20 week scan and didnt cave
Got a 4d scan on Jan 31st and they said they can stay away from that area but I dunno if I will give into temptation. I have wanted to find out for agges but then think only just over 17 more weeks to go and maybe I can hold out


My 20 week scan is 21st Jan. I'm gonna say straight away that we dont want to know cus I reckon if the sonographer asks us we'll say yes!!!

Loads of Team green buddies, we must stay strong together!
Im staying team green too, so come girls we can do it together :wink: im so looking forward to the lovely surprise at the end when the baby is born and i want my oh to tell me also what we have

:cheer: :cheer: to the green team :)
I'll join the team greenies! I have my scan in 3 weeks and i want to stay team green if i can resist the temptation :lol: This is my first baby and i really don't mind what it is so i'm going to hold out for that big moment when DH can tell me what it is. I think it will be so exciting :)
Just butting in here but wanted to add my opinion. We stayed team green both times and it was 100% worth it! With DD she was handed to my OH and I asked him what sex she was so he got to tell me and this time with DS they lifted him up over the screen (I had a section) and we could see he was a boy. It was a lovely moment both times but especially with DS as towards the end of my pregnancy I'd decided it must be another girl so it was indeed a surprise.
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I asked my midwife why we dont get the 20 week scan here in Glasgow and she said it was to do with lack of resources and funding but they were fighting for it to be introduced, they do the 12 week scan to make sure there is a heart beat and check sizes but thats it, we dont get the offer of the nuchial scan either! They will only scan again if there is a problem further down the line or if you have previously had a section as the y want to see where the placenta is in relation to the scar, this is done at 30 weeks.
The bloke convinced me to stay team green and I'm really really happy about it. It was great to hear from him that we've got a daughter (and that after months of everyone telling me we'd have a boy, for whatever reason I can't fathom).

We mostly had boys' clothes, which were hand-me-downs from a kind colleague, and we basically kept only the neutral stuff, giving the rest to charity. I guess it's easier to pick neutrals out of a boy's wardrobe than out of a girl's wardrobe.

And within a couple of days of her birth we've been given shedloads of girly clothes for her already.

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