Plans for Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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well ive done all my running about for the day, so i have rigged up the laptop to the TV and the surround sound, got the tunes blaring and im bouncing about while doing some housework, then im going to enjoy a glass of red, maybe a bottle and watch shutter island with leonardo decaprisun....FIT!!

OH is a bit of a gadget freak lol (sorry babe, now that hes online lol)

But we have a 50" plasma, with surround sound and spotify on lappy so i can listen to any song that are out now....its great!! esp when i get to rig it up to surround hehe!!

got shutter island off my mate.....illegal and all bad!!!

what are you all up to tonight?

i get the feeling the weekend could be good........:dance: (i need it) haha!!

oooohhhh....mention some songs i can listen too lol, i will be popping on now and then lol xx
abit of rude boy!!! and am loving professer green at the mo!!!
tonight i have a friend coming over and gonna have a girly chat!!!
ahhh sounds like a good plan!! Im not sure what we got going on, just woken up from my 2nd nap of the day! OH is watching TV on the airbed in the living room and part of me wants to join him, the other part wants to not get on that bloody air bed cos I wont have the energy to get back up!!!

Enjoy your evening!
I'm just chillin. Big lad at his nana's, little lad in bed, unborn lad not causing any hassle right now so all is good :) xx
we are relaxing in front of the telly with the laptops

Ffion is in bed and Rhys is very sleepy so will be going up to bed soon. Me and OH both want alcahol.. but i dont want to go to the shop so he better go!!
i had the longest day today at college we had 2 exams and i am absolutely shattered!
going to watch lost though! i saw shutter island and i fell asleep, i thought it was going to be something completely different!
going to my mums tomorrow, its her birthday ( she says its here 21st lol) !
:shakehead: tut tut ema lol. I'm at work in the cells. Yawn
Im home alone, OH gone out for a drink with his Dad - we went to OH's Aunty's funeral today, it was very very they have gone out for a bevvie. Im writing my two week menu and shopping list in a bid to save a bit of money as we go on holiday in a couple of weeks. Might go and have a shower in a minute after 'Enders and then head off to bed :)
We were stuck to know what to do tonight, we're now both off work for a week, woohoo!!! We're going to head down to Tesco, get some wine (OH taking the mick for me having the smallest glass) and chill out in front of the TV. I fall asleep at the cinema these days and couldn't think of much else to do that doesn't involve too much moving around!
Ema-lou I'm loving Florence and the Machine You Got The Love, I think bubs will come out singing it!! :)
:hug: Sorry to hear about your loss Rosie's Mummy, days like that can be so emotionally draining!
well ive just put me jimmys on and chilling in front of tv with OH as usual. were quite sad reaaly we enjoy staying in cuddled up on setee
^^ Im with you there mel! Sorry RM, :hug: hope you get some good zzzz tonight
^^ Im with you there mel! Sorry RM, :hug: hope you get some good zzzz tonight[/QUOTE

we both just love bein in jim jams dossing he he! just cant wait 2 have our own little family
DH is on nights, I've just finished work and have an essay to write, but think I may do the supermarket shop on line cos I don't think I have face taking Jack tomorrow, he spends most of the time throwing things out of the trolley or eating the veg through the packets :wall2:
im giving up.. friday nights are officially off to bed!!
Night hon - I'm off too in a bit - got back from hols this pm and in need of a sleep! xxx
i've been being a chauffeur tonight :lol: my parents were off for a meal and i offered to drive so my dad could have a drink! got to drive my dads car :D finally felt like i fitted in round here in my mercedes for the evening :lol: drove to pick them up with my heated seats on, classic fm on the radio and everything :D had pizza hut for tea, i'm well stuffed!! gona get an early night, have got a busy morning ahead of me tomorrow *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
lol check u alice!!! good times!!

well im finished housework that i can be arsed to do, washed kitchen floor, all dishes done and put away, washin on, washing hung up to dry and other washing put away. hoovered and dusted living room and tidyed it up!

its amazing how much a few songs can get you all rigged up to do housework

im loving florence and the machine too!!!! x

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