I'm 11 months into breastfeeding my little one.
Essentials for me are reusable bamboo breast pads (I have 18 pairs, not enough to start with as I had to wash every other day to have enough, if I do this again I will buy more but can get by now my milk has calmed down and I only need 2 pairs a day mainly) soft nursing sleep bra to hold the breast pads in place (I have 4 now but two would be sufficient, I got by with one for a few months), nursing bra (at least two).
Nipple cream, I liked superdrugs version, I'm still on my first tube.
Dribble cloths, I used two every feed (have 18 total which was just about enough with the washing every other day), one under my breast and one to hold in case of spray, I'm down to one each feed now. I liked these better than muslins.
I like nursing specific tops, I find them more comfortable than one up one down, also my baby hates having things near/over his face so nursing tops much better for him.
A comfortable chair with high back and arms for feeding and a footstool. If we go out for the day my back is always painful from feeding in less than ideal chairs and positions.
It sounds like a lot of stuff but when you go out you need so little compared to ff and your milk is always on tap at the correct temperature so I have found it easy from that point of view. It took days and days for my milk to come in, I had to spend loads of time feeding to establish supply so don't give up too soon, colostrum will be there even if milk isn't. Get details of support groups etc, get baby checked for tongue tie asap. Go in with a positive attitude.