Planning to breastfeed?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
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Anyone else planning to Breastfeed?

Have a few reservations about it but willing to try.
What do I need to get? (Uk based products)
Hey CMcDx,

I'm also hoping to breastfeed. I'm a little nervous about the whole idea but I'm definitely going to give it a go.

I've been advised nursing bras and nipple balm are musts - and a suitable nursing bra for sleeping in too. Breast pads also.

I've looked at breast pumps but currently I'm unsure of whether it's worth investing before I know if i can feed! We've already bought a set of bottles, that had good reviews from breastfeeding mothers but bearing in mind that if I cant feed/express they will be used for formula anyway. Oh and a nursing pillow!

Having said all that, I've never had a baby, so will be following this thread too! X
I was also wondering - how do you know what size of bra to buy, 'cos your boobs grow with the milk don't they?
Ive been breastfeeding for 6 weeks now. I tried Mothercare bras and did not like them. Then I found very comfy one at H &M. Sizes are S,M or L. Its like a sports bra, very soft and comfy. Even if your breasts grow bigger, bra will fit nicely. So its a must have. As well as Lansinoh HPA Lanolin nipple cream, this cream heals nipples within hours. Amazing stuff.
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Ive been breastfeeding for 6 weeks now. I tried Mothercare bras and did not like them. Then I found very comfy one at H &M. Sizes are S,M or L. Its like a sports bra, very soft and comfy. Even if your breasts grow bigger, bra will fit nicely. So its a must have. As well as Lansinoh HPA Lanolin nipple cream, this cream heals nipples within hours. Amazing stuff.

I've just bought the h&m ones too, they have room for your breasts to change and will be great to sleep in too as they don't have any seams. Also definitely for the Lansinoh nipple cream, it's more expensive but so good. I found cheap breastpads came unstuck in you bra and I was forever finding them in my clothes.
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I would love to breastfeed when baby gets here. My nursing bra's just arrived in the mail yesterday. I brought the Lansinoh Lanolin nipple cream. I brought Target brand nipple pads so I don't know if they will be any good yet. I'm not leaking or anything yet so I haven't been able to test them out. I was gifted a boppy pillow so I will bring that along with me to the hospital. I also have a breast pump. They provide a free one through your insurance here in the US. I haven't purchased milk storage bags yet as I don't know if I will be able to pump and store so I figured I will buy that later on. I feel like I'm ready (supply wise) but not ready lol we shall see what happens when baby arrives. But I definitely want to try 100% to breastfeed. I haven't any plans on purchasing formula unless we need it if unsuccessful with breastfeeding. I do have a bottle set though, hoping to use that once I start pumping. :)
I’d agree with everyone above in terms of what you’ll need, only extra purchase I’ve made are a couple of nipple shields. Two friends of mine both had problems with baby latching and we’re getting really sore, they nearly gave up until they were recommended to try nipple shields, they both swear by them now. You might not need them but they’re inexpensive and worth having to hand in case you’re struggling and want to give them a go.
Yeah I'll have a look at H&M and nipple guards. Someone recommended Asda nipple pads so will try them out. Hopefully won't be leaking before it!
My chest hasn't grown at all. 36G before pregnancy, and still the same just now. Will look at bras but struggle to get sports bras my size, hopefully it'll be easier getting nursing bras.
when my LO chewed my nipples half to pieces i used to lanisoh cream plus jelonet dressing....

apart from that i have got some breast feeeding clothes - a hoodie and a long sleeved top both with breast access,
Yeah bras, lansinoh, a few nursing tops were my only essentials. Later on a pump if you want to bottle feed etc.

What reservations are you having? xx
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Agree with all the above, comfy nursing bra, lanolin cream (doesn’t have to be lansinoh but from my experience it’s the best, expensive but lasts FOREVER - and it’s a good lip balm :wink: ). Breast pads!! Asda ones were fab for the price. I always needed one on the opposite boob to what I was feeding on as it always leaked. I would see how you get on with it first before getting nipple guards. I didn’t need them but some women do. And finally, a positive attitude! Breast feeding is beautiful and amazing and.. bloody hard work at times! Know you can do it, it’s what our bodies were made for. If you do hit a bump, that’s ok! There’s la leche league and the national breastfeeding helpline and supporters that can and want to help you through.

I don’t mean to sound preachy at alll, however you decide to feed your baby in the end is your choice and you know what’s best for you. :smile: Xx
My reservations were that it is just down to me. I know it builds a bond but I feel it's a lot of pressure.
I'll definitely give it a go though, just hope it goes well.
I’m 10 weeks in breastfeeding my second child.

Things on my list as essential for me:

A pillow of some sort - I use my maternity pillow from mothercare but any will do, those v shaped ones that go round youbare handy
Lansinoh - very very good at quickly soothing sore nips
Lots of thing strap vests I don’t like my belly out so I can whip my book out of these and pull a jumper down to cover my modesty
Nursing bras - M&S ane my favourite

Non essentials but might be useful
A pump
Storage bags
Nipple pads - I never leaked either time so I didn’t bother with these
Nipple shields - if you struggle with sore nips and latch these can help

Best of luck x
I'll be breastfeeding again.

I agree with everyone else, I've got lansinoh, some h and m bras, a pump which tbh I'll probably not bother with but I'll buy some bags just in case I decide I'd like to express a bit and pads.

Last time I just wore a vest under my top and did the one up on down thing but I've bought a few feeding tops just because they were in the sale
It is hard for sure but once you get used to it it becomes sort of routine. I combi feed with expressed milk and some formula (I have low supply). I’m on my second baby and both times have just agreed with myself to see how it goes and not put to much pressure on myself. Agree with getting support from bf resources as above but ultimately a fed baby is best! Good luck x
Oh also have just seen some AMAZING nursing tshirts from the milky tee company. They have zipped holes on each side (ie under armpit). Wish I’d seen earlier as I’m nearly at the end of my bfing journey relatively speaking and they’re not cheap so no point me getting!
I'm 11 months into breastfeeding my little one.

Essentials for me are reusable bamboo breast pads (I have 18 pairs, not enough to start with as I had to wash every other day to have enough, if I do this again I will buy more but can get by now my milk has calmed down and I only need 2 pairs a day mainly) soft nursing sleep bra to hold the breast pads in place (I have 4 now but two would be sufficient, I got by with one for a few months), nursing bra (at least two).

Nipple cream, I liked superdrugs version, I'm still on my first tube.

Dribble cloths, I used two every feed (have 18 total which was just about enough with the washing every other day), one under my breast and one to hold in case of spray, I'm down to one each feed now. I liked these better than muslins.

I like nursing specific tops, I find them more comfortable than one up one down, also my baby hates having things near/over his face so nursing tops much better for him.

A comfortable chair with high back and arms for feeding and a footstool. If we go out for the day my back is always painful from feeding in less than ideal chairs and positions.

It sounds like a lot of stuff but when you go out you need so little compared to ff and your milk is always on tap at the correct temperature so I have found it easy from that point of view. It took days and days for my milk to come in, I had to spend loads of time feeding to establish supply so don't give up too soon, colostrum will be there even if milk isn't. Get details of support groups etc, get baby checked for tongue tie asap. Go in with a positive attitude.

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