

Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hi all,

I've had my belly button pierced for many years.

I'm guessing it'll have to come out at some point as the belly grows. I've got no worries doing this just wondering what it goes like after your belly stretches etc. Does the hole get bigger/smaller, have people put it back in after. I'm not too bothered keeping it as long as the hole closes up nicely!
I took mine out shortly after I knew I was pregnant.
I've got no plans to put it back in.
Mine is healing up quite nicely, and my bellybutton is shrinking... I'm a bit scared what it's going to end up looking like!!
I think you can get special stretchy bars that you can keep in, but I didn't bother.
Yea you can get maternity bars that you cut to size hun.
Ive taken mine out coz it hurt :shakehead:
If it closes I may get it redone.
Ive had to take mine out too, it got really sore and red.
I did plan to get a maternity bar to keep the hole open but i don't think that would of made much difference, it would of been too sore to wear it anyway.
The hole is closing up now and it doesn't look bad.
well i had mine peirced but took it out when it started hurting, i ordered some maternity belly bars but by the time they had come (about a week maybe two after i took mine out!) my hole had started to heal, i pushed the belly bar in but over time it looked infected and really really sore so i ended up taking it out altogether :( now i am left with a horrible mark around it, a brown mark :think: and it looks awful - im hoping its just because my tummy is stretched and once baby is here and tummy goes down it wont be so bad - then im getting it peirced again! :D
well i had mine peirced but took it out when it started hurting, i ordered some maternity belly bars but by the time they had come (about a week maybe two after i took mine out!) my hole had started to heal, i pushed the belly bar in but over time it looked infected and really really sore so i ended up taking it out altogether :( now i am left with a horrible mark around it, a brown mark :think: and it looks awful - im hoping its just because my tummy is stretched and once baby is here and tummy goes down it wont be so bad - then im getting it peirced again! :D
I took mine out when I found out I was pregnant in the hope it would close up... it didn't! I hve put my bar back in now but I have a big scar where it stretched :?
I've got 3 belly button piercings and am still wearing them, as they haven't become uncomfortable yet. A piercer I know actually advised against these pregnancy bars as they will be still under strain and might cause rejection, so the plan is that once I'll have to take them out I'll just push a bar through once or twice a day to keep them open.
hun laurab who owns the forum has her own business called ouch jewellery and she sells pregnancy retainers they are lovely and ive used them on all my pregnancies have a look in the members shop section il have a look for the link now xxxxx
I had mine in the whole time. Never took it out. Got my maternity bar from Argos, it was around £3. The only thing is i got a couple of stretch marks around it. But i only had to remove it for growth scans, and it went straight back in again.

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