Photography - Posted with permmission of Urchin


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
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I'm a professional photographer based in Perthshire specialising in Weddings, familt portraiture etc. I am considering offering a "bump to Birth" photographic service where the M2B will be photographed every month until birth then a photograph of the Baby and Mother and Father. My research indicates this is very popular in Australia and USA and is fast catching on here. Normally this service starts about month 2 thus will reault in 7-8 Photographs.

I'm looking for help in 2 ways. What are peoples feelings about this service, would you be interested , would you definately not be interested, if not why. What would you be prepared / willing / expect to pay for this service. The prices I have found on the web suggest that £300 is a typical price for the photographs, time, travelling and a 10x8 print of each stage then followed by 3 10x 8 prints of the "family"

I also need someone to help me by allowing me to Photograph them to use as marketing material - this is the difficult issue, I appreciate that. Let me say that Urchin has my contact details, land line number, address and web site. If anyone was interested then I'd arrange to have a meeting at a location of your choice to discuss the project and let you meet me before committing. As for the photographs that would be seen by the public, the M2B would have final say, ie if you preferred that your face was not seen then we could do a Photograph for my use that did nto show your face.

Preferance will be given to anyone living locally to me but I am happy to consider Central Scotland as local. If I get more than 1 interested party then I'll draw names from a hat.

Pm or post back with any questions.

I think it is a nice service to offer - and £300 seems reasonable to me (considering how much an individual standard portrait sitting costs and other events photography) - although I would maybe expect more photos for that price - or at least the photos taken to be in an album or something.
I think its a nice idea too and £300 is reasonable but like babyblonde said, I would expect them in an album or something :D
Thats very good advice thanks. What I could do rather than making prints I could make a little story book like a mini Wedding Album at the end to show the story.

Thanks - Any more comments or aspiring models?
I think its a great idea and as the other girls have said, £300 seems reasonable.

I am in Scotland (Glasgow) and would be intersted in helping with the project, if you are still looking for someone :D
i would love to do something like that, just wish i had £300!

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