

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Well I cannot wait for answers at some point this week! Had no sign/show of AF for a week now and been getting the odd "niggle" this week.

Tonight however (just now infact) I had the worst ever (worse than last year) metallic taste in my mouth. You'd swear i've just drunk some liquid metal it was that strong a taste! Mental.

That combined with a touch of cramping this evening is all looking very promising although I did have bfn last night :-(

Absolutely no signs of AF coming though... its very weird. I'm not liking this waiting larky. I want my body to tell me YES or NO! :roll: :shakehead: xx
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Sounding good Hun, when were you due af?? Do a test first thing in the morning xx
I don't like thus waiting larky either!! Lol!!
Are you gonna test tomorrow still? x x
Hey Chaz! Well, I was going to but it would appear that AF has arrived :-( (all be it very dark brownish red - not bright red like normal?)

I'm so confused. What can make your period be 8 days late??? Especially with someone like me who is NEVER late?! xxx
I'm never never late and was 7 days late last cycle! I think it's just one of those annoying things our bodies do to frustrate us and make us blow fortunes on hpts! Sorry she got you hunnie xxx
aaawww, thanks hunni. It is frustrating. In the whole 21 years I've had my periods (yes - i started them when i was 8!!) I've never been late at all. Absolute madness. Ah well... 13 days and we can try again ;-) xx
Oh no :( goodluck for the next month then!! I'm gonna be bfp watching even closer this month now!

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