petra + glittergirl


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Just wanted to wish you both all the est for your scans today and cannot wait to hear how you get on :hug:
Aww thank you so much Flossy :hug: :hug:

I'm shaking like a leaf this morning and my scan is not until 3.40pm

Been counting the days down till this date and now its here and i'm a nervous wreck.

Hoping and praying all is ok and i will get on here to let you know as soon as i can.

Thanks again hun :hug: :hug: xxx
Good luck Glittergirl!

Will be thinking of you - we have another week to wait - so nervous/excited!

Really hope all goes well for you - will be looking out for posts from you to see how it went.

Thank you everyone who sent me positive vibes :hug: :hug: :hug:

All went well, as suspected, I am about 5 + 2 weeks. The doctor seemed positive and we are well excited :cheer: I am going back for re-scan next week. We should see heartbeat by then :cheer: :cheer:

Glittergirl, I will be thinking of you this afternoon xxxxxxx
Aw yay Petra, that's great news! Glad everything went well. You must really be looking forward to hearing the heart beat :D

CONGRATS!! :dance:

And good luck Glittergirl!! I'm sure everything will be fine.
Thats great news Petra. :cheer:

Glittergirl, good luck for today hun. :hug:
:cheer: again Petra (posted in your other thread)
FX and good luck Glittergirl for later today! :hug:
I'm so pleased for you Petra, sounds like everything is going very well :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:

Glittergirl best of luck for today, I am sure everything will be fine hun, just think of how relieved and happy you will be afterwards :hug: :hug:
petra glad all went well hun :D xxxxxx

glittergirl thinking of you this afternoon hun :hug: xxxxxxxx
Thank you everyone for your well wishes.

OH on his way to pick me up now so gonna sign off.

Oh my, i'm nervous but a teeny bit excited.

Please pray for me :pray:

Not sure if i will get on forum tonight so dont panic if you dont hear from me straight away, will log on asap.

Bye girls :hug: :hug: xxx
Good luck :D

Ooo, she'll be having the scan in half an hour, yay!!

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