pet hates

I hate it when people just watch you struggling with a baby and a push chair on and off of busses. Not so long ago the lift was broke in meadow hall so i had to hold hope in 1 arm and the push chair in the other, and no one helped me until i got to near the bottom, also the bus driver watched me struggle on and off the bus that dya, i hate ppl like that!
Stupid little boys who ride up and down our street on stupid little motorbikes with no helmets and on the path so the kids can't play out safely! Or they do it late at night waking all the kids up! It used to be a nice quiet street till the little boys have started growing up! Their parents don't even say anything to them I can't wait until they move out!
Sorry for the rant it really annoys me!
Also everything everyone else has mentioned! I'm so like Victor Meldrew sometimes I annoy myself!!!!! :oops:
Melanie said:
People who swear at their kids, i hate it! I'm no angel by any means and i can have a filthy mouth on me when the mood takes me but i have never and will never swear at a child. My cousin does it all the time and it turns my stomach to hear her calling her girls little bitches or telling them to f**k off :evil:

I was in our our local shpping centre once and this woman had a toddler in a pushchair who was crying, she shouted at him 'shut up, what are you, some kind of f***ing puff'. i was gobsmacked :shock:
glitzyglamgirl said:
people who stand too close in queues, my back is not a elbow rest! :evil:
i hate that too- ive just been to the bank and every time i breathed in this old woman in the queue behind me inched closer to fill in the few millimetres of space i'd created :x . i deal with people like that in supermarkets normally by "accidentally" turning around swiftly and whacking them with the shopping basket! as i had no such weapon in the bank i resorted to standing with my hands on my hips, i looked a right twit- but it bought me a little personal space. its ok squashing and brushing against strangers in nightclubs and stuff, but in daylight when i'm straight-laced and sober, i like at least half a metre around me! (apart from friends n family etc.)
mmmm where do i start...

1. people who let kids say around 3years old wander around at nite on a busy street
2. people who smoke around pregnant ladies or kids
3. Now i'm a smoker... but i hate people who smoke when someones eating....
4. Seeing ladies guzzling down pints while pregnant
5. people who get benefit just cuz the REFUSE to work.. not because they can't work....
6. Men who think they're gods gift and say jokes like "womens feet are smaller than mens so they can get closer to the sink/over" gggrrrr!
7. Dog walkers who aren't responsible for their dogs mess
I have a strange pet hate, well I don't think it's strange but apparently it is :? I can't stand the sound of crisp packets.......My OH has to eat them in the kitchen where I can't hear and when I have some I have to cut the packet all the way open so it doesn't make a noise. If I'm somewhere else and someone is eating a packet of crisps then I have to leave the room until they have finished eating.

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