Pesto sauce rant!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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My OH has been refusing to make me pasta and pesto sauce for weeks now (I am very spoilt, he does all our cooking and housework at the moment) even though we got given a lovely jar by a family member weeks ago. He tried to say that he needed to check out it was ok to eat while pregnant first so I left him to it. I bought home some smoked bavarian cheese which I bought whilst in M&S at lunchtime and he started the whole, 'well I need to find out whether you can eat this' :roll: So I marched him to the PC and showed him that I only need to stay away from unpasturised cheese and also that pesto looks to be fine during pregnancy (considering it only contains pine nuts, basil and oil).

When I said I really fancied pesto sauce for dinner he looked a bit guilty and admitted he'd eaten the jar the other night while I wasn't looking! :evil: :x

I now don't feel guilty at all about ordering a tub of these from ebay yesterday for me :D

O dear :roll: How did he eat an entire jar?

I like making it fresh as it has a great texture to it. I add garlic also for more flavour. And a good parmesan really gives it a kick. Now I want pasta with pesto. Must make tomorrow *drools*
I'm assuming he ate it with pasta :think: ... at least I hope he ate it with pasta but the whole jar :shock:

Mmm.. I love homemade pesto sauce, I am drooling!
Unrelated to pPesto but I thought I would share.

When I saw the sweets on your post I HAD to go to the shop to buy some- a propper craving I think.

Alex xxx
Maybe it's a proper craving if you want both pesto and sweeties together! I'm not sure I'm at that stage yet though - currently I like my food normal :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: whole jar? :rotfl: MY dh has got an obsession with the bin. first it was pot noodle in the bin, then it was oh "I drank the 2 cans of diet coke" - I knew he hadnt, he hates the stuff, so do I but suddenly had 2 cans one after the other one day because I need something Ice cold. Well, next thing, I go to get the third one from the fridge and..they have gone. Where I ask my little prankster - he tells me they are in his tummy..I look at his face then walk towards the bin - well surprise surprise - they are in the bin lol

Sweet though...Mildly you wanna make sure the pesto is really in OH's tummy! I have become obsessed with checking the bin every day now. :rotfl:
:rotfl: Pesto is yummy but now I have visions of your OH eating it cold from the jar with a spoon! :puke:
I'm gonna break the mold here, i hate pesto sauce :puke: tbh i dont really like pasta much either. So id be grateful he ate it, especially if it meant i could have chocolate.

I have to admit though i left my ben and jerry's in my friends freezer with instructions to leave it alone until i came around the next night and then he could share it with me after tea.

Asked for it the next day and the ******* had eaten it!!! he keeps doing it, i buy nice stuff (for the baby obviously) and he eats it!!
I just went and checked the bin Neev and there was an empty jar in there :( lol at your OH though :)

It wouldn't surprise me if he had eaten it straight from the jar, he loves eating lemon curd straight from the jar :roll: I often ask him whether he is having a baby too because of his bizarre eating habits and the fact he is putting on weight too :lol:

abcd, you need to stick gherkins in your ice cream so your OH won't steal it :D

Although I can't believe you non-pesto lovers :talkhand: :shakehead: :wink:

Bagpuss I think your OH should go and get you sweeties now :D

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