Pesky MoD!

Miss M

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Now here's a random question!

Our village lies below a military flight path, so we often get Chinooks flying over (they're so loud!) and various other military aircraft. We also see bi-planes go over and old Russian planes doing aerobatics, which isn't so bad at all! A Stealth bomber also went soaring over our house when I was washing up once - it scared the living daylights out of me!

But I digress, these military helicopters and what not, fly really low over the village right into the night. By day I've very much got used to it, but sometimes I get woken by a Chinook circling the village in the early hours of the morning. Are they allowed to do these exercises by night in a residential area do you think?

I'd complain, but I really don't think Me Vs the MoD would be a fair fight. I have visions of a smarmy moustache twiddler trying to stare me down, "Well looky here little lady, this is government business. Why don't you toddle off and finish your husband's dinner and leave us to it." :wink:
Lol you don't live in Farnborough do you... :rotfl: I used to and I remember the nightly attacks of the chinoocks and yer... they are sooooo loud...

Tbh, I don't think theres anything that can be said... I know it was going on for years and years before we moved there, and it's still going on now... I think there have probably been many complaints but that they are allowed...

Like you said... it's the big guy (MoD) against the little guy (you).... besides who would you complain too.. ??? :think: (no really, I don't know who you would)
My dad works in air traffic control for the MoD, and our house is on the flight path too. When Jonah was littler he hated the planes etc and they used to wake him up. I duely phoned dad and went mental one day when I had just had ENOUGH. His response was that we didn't really stop being at war just cos it was night time, and we need to practise in all conditions.

But :hug: it is hellish and it does drive you mad. My little man loves it now, especially when the chinooks are shifting stuff around.
emma28 said:
My dad works in air traffic control for the MoD, and our house is on the flight path too. When Jonah was littler he hated the planes etc and they used to wake him up. I duely phoned dad and went mental one day when I had just had ENOUGH. His response was that we didn't really stop being at war just cos it was night time, and we need to practise in all conditions.But :hug: it is hellish and it does drive you mad. My little man loves it now, especially when the chinooks are shifting stuff around.

That is exactly what I was going to say!!!
omg that would drive me mad, though where i live I ofetn see the red arrows going over every now and again and it scares the bejesus out of stephen!!!
Heh, I knew I didn't stand a chance! I'll just content myself with my rants!
my mum and dad are in the flight path for an RAF base and they get the jets and nimrods going over all the time :x

You might be able to get some sort of special glazing paid for though - they did it for my mum and dads house, something to do with noise levels inside the house?
Luckily it hasn't got to that point (yet). It doesn't happen by night on a regular basis, but when it does happen, it's deafening. If it started to happen more frequently at night, then I would look into this. By day it's just background noise, unless of course, it's one of those Stealth Bombers :shock:
We have a lot here in Oxford as we are circle by RAF bases.

Most of ours are at night too and as stated above, the reason being,they have to practice in the dark, they are in war zones in the dark and have to practice somewhere :D
You shouldn't be able to see them stealth bombers, I'd phone the MoD if I were you and tell them they need re-stealthing!

Is it like Area 51 (or is it 57)? :? where you live? Ever see any UFO's?

Lou :)
We get the tornados over us (and some other jets that I forget the name of!) they're blumming loud, so I can sympathise. Although when we're going down the A1 there's a bit that's right next the the runway and it can look like they're going to land on the car which is quite cool. DD loves it thankfully and isn't bothered by the noise night or day.

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