

Jun 26, 2006
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Is it worth getting a persona machine?

Is is more reliable/accurate than the normal pee sticks? I have used the cheapie ones before from the internet and have found them pretty useless really.

I am getting desperate now - we have been TTC for 13 months....

Ive just started using the clearblue fertility monitor only on first month will let ya know how i get on,

Good luck
Thanks, I just think its a lot of money to fork out if its just as bad as the pee sticks!!
frances32 said:
Thanks, I just think its a lot of money to fork out if its just as bad as the pee sticks!!

I have not paod anything out for the monitor , ive pm ed you

vicki :hug:
Hiya I am a believer in Persona. I used it for 2 years to prevent getting pregnant and it worked! I learned a lot about my cycle found out how long it is was and when I ov. It came in very hand back in April it was a week before my wedding me and DH we having a bit of fun I knew I was ov and hey presto I was pg (unfortately I lost that one). But we're trying again and I wouldn't be without it. It is costly to start off £64 for the kit and 2 pee stick packs - you'll need these for the first month then every month after that you just need 1 pack of pee sticks which costs £10 not much when you think what it will hopefully give you.

The bonus is you don't have to guess when you think you will ov it will tell you. Some of the comments I've seen on this board about the ov sticks is that sometimes girls aren't exactly sure when to use them as they don't always know exactly when they will ov.

Sorry for the long text but I would recommend it.

I can't comment on Persona as I haven't used that ... but I chart using Fertility Friend usually and that combined with using cheap OPKS (they are called Advanced LH, from the Accessdiagnostics website) seem to be pretty accurate. My LH surge has been clearly detected using these sticks .. and then my temps do rise ....! So they do work!

Good luck!
I have to agree with Bec- the cheap sticks combined with fertility friend work for me.
My sister used Persona and got pg in the third month. She lent it to a couple of friends and they both got pg quite quickly as well. I had it on standby but I found charting and ov pee sticks pretty accurate so never used it. I think they are expensive but might be good if your cycles are not regular.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
My sister used Persona and got pg in the third month. She lent it to a couple of friends and they both got pg quite quickly as well. I had it on standby but I found charting and ov pee sticks pretty accurate so never used it. I think they are expensive but might be good if your cycles are not regular.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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