Permanent nausea and indigestion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Anyone else feeling nauseous pretty much all the time? It seems to come in waves. Some times I gag then I am sick which makes me feel better for a few hours, but I have been like this since 5 and a half weeks. (Sorry to those of you who are sick a lot) It's starting to get me down, I just feel rotten most of the time. (Didn't have this with my previous pregnancies)
And I only want to eat cheese and pickle butties.
hunny hello hello :)
right; firstly although it doesnt feel like it, i promise you it will end. I suffered terribly from 6-14 weeks. Constant sickness and nausea. I was bedridden for most of this time i was exhausted from constantly being sick. I ended up losing around 1.5 stone in two weeks, put it back on then lost it again when the sickness came back.
Advice would be to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up and dont move till its settled. Eat plain foods such as crackers and dry toast. Not eating is the worst thing. (i fainted three times due to lack of food and the sickness)
The main thing to remember is that it will end and i promise you that, just hang in there xx
Hey, I know how you feel I constantly feel sick, I haven't been sick but I feel it from the moment I wake up until i go to sleep. Last week if I ate I felt better for a few hours but this week it doesn't seem to work I feel sick whether i eat or not. It gets me down too I also have really bad skin so feel like I don't want to leave the house, I cant wait til things get better roll on 12 weeks x x
Cheers, was only sick when I cleaned my teeth with my first two kids, so this is doing my head in.
I feel hungover, I know I'm not dehydrated as wee isn't strong. Thankfully I am not actually throwing up but feeling like this with two toddlers doesn't make life easy.
Thanks for the advice, will try it, ginger biscuits certainly didn't work..........
Thanks Vicky, thankfully this time round my skin is ok, I can imagine how down you must be feeling.
I am off to make a plate of cheese and pickle butties!!!!
I can't eat enough of them!!! Has to be Branston small chunk though. At least I'm giving myself a calcium boost! x

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