Period Like Cramping?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Ladies,
Just wondering if it is normal to have "period like" cramping?
I have had the feeling that my aunt flow is going to come and had it for about 2 days now...
It is a little strange i keep going to the toilet to check for blood!! haha.

Any of you ladies experienced this?

Thank you xxxxxx
Hi, I have had 3 and now expecting my 4th! I had it with all my pregnancies, it is where your body is streching and growing to accommodate your growing baby. I must add this time it is really strong and I actually feel like I might come on...but I saw my little bean on Thurs with a nice strong heart. So don't panic. xxx first post done! :-D
Hi, I have had 3 and now expecting my 4th! I had it with all my pregnancies, it is where your body is streching and growing to accommodate your growing baby. I must add this time it is really strong and I actually feel like I might come on...but I saw my little bean on Thurs with a nice strong heart. So don't panic. xxx first post done! :-D

Ahhh thank you ever so much that has eased my mind a little... :D
And welcome to PF :) Xx
Im not too sure whether the cramps ive been having a period type cramps as i never had period cramps on the pill and cant remember what they feel like but didnt want to read and run hun. Hope your feeling better soon x x

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You're welcome! I am just trying to work out how to do my ticker now lol Any help appreciated! x
I have had the period style cramps, right from before getting BFP and still now. Every time I go to the loo I have a little check too, just to be sure!

Welcome lastbaba4me!
You're welcome! I am just trying to work out how to do my ticker now lol Any help appreciated! x

You have to have 5 posts first, then when you go to UserCP there's an add sig option to paste the bb code into, from whichever ticker site you use :)

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