peak tiredness?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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just wondering when everyone's worst tiredness was, in weeks? i think weeks 4 and 5 were EXTREMELY tiring, week 6 maybe a little easier, and i'm 7 weeks today and its 10pm and my eyes are open! couple weeks ago i'd be sliding off the couch with a little ring of birds flying around my head at this time :lol:
hmmm I'd say weeks 5 and 6 were probably the worst... I only managed a 10 minute nap yesterday. Even though I was shattered I just couldn't seem to sleep!
Hate to say it but it comes in waves girls. I think it was aroudn week 8 or 9 I was totally exhausted, and I seem to have gone a bit backwards this last week as well, although not quite so bad.
This last week has probably been the worse for me.
Could've happily slept right through it haha. xx
I'm having a burst of energy today after spending the last 3 weeks flat on my back for most of the day, and in bed by 10pm. Which makes me wonder, why I'm surfing here and not catching up with my housework!

Also had a massive craving for a cooked breakfast this morning, which I thoroughly enjoyed - yum!
Im shattered permantly at the mo, and worried that if my body gets used to alls these naps then Im not going to be able to snap out of them!!! I slept 11pm to 930 am last ngith then went back to bed at 12noon and slept till 230 and still feel tired but feel groggy so gonna force myself to stay awake!
think I need to find some activities to do!!
Yep, I've been tired all the way through, but this week has definitely been the far! It's terrible, at meetings at work all I can think about is how I'd love to have a nap :lol:

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