PC World - Free Laptops


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Was in there yesterday getting printer ink and noticed an offer. If you sign up to Orange Broadband (£17.99 per month for 12 months) you get a free laptop computer. I don't know the in's and out's of the deal but here's the link:

http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/editor ... t=home_nav

I know a few of you have posted about wanting to buy a new PC lately and others have posted about changing internet suppliers etc so thought it might be of interest.
Make sure you have a bt line first.. before signing up to the broadband.. and you dont get the laptop until you have gone live on broadband..

Dont let the ppl at pc world push you into anything else if you have your heart set on that laptop.. but can i say its not a great spec, i work there!
Comet are doing the same thing but £300 off laptops. This might be a better deal if you are after a better spec laptop.
leckershell said:
Comet are doing the same thing but £300 off laptops. This might be a better deal if you are after a better spec laptop.
yeah i agree, go to comet...better spec, pc world cant shift these laptops cos they are crap, hence why they are giving them away!
I have no idea what spec they were etc or what the 'small print' was just thought I'd post the link/info incase anyone was interested.
looks like a good deal, i wanted a laptop to just play arcade games on while hubby was hogging the pc but i wouldnt go back to orange :hug: :hug:
Hey sss
I'm thinking of buying a laptop but i have no idea about them
I want a good 1 :D
advise me?
Becksss said:
Hey sss
I'm thinking of buying a laptop but i have no idea about them
I want a good 1 :D
advise me?

well it all depends what you want to do on it.. if its just for internet use general every day stuff, then the spec has to be above 512mb 1 gig of hard drive etc..

if you want one to play games on off the internet then the spec needs to be 1020 or more, which can prove expensive, and you need 2 gig hard drive too..
I dont really play games on the computer i have DS and possibly soon a wii

I just use the net a hell of a lot its on like 1000 mins a day it tells me when i log off aol

i do have a hell of a lot of music as well
we took my aunty to get one and filled all the forms in and etc... and then they said you need a BT phone line even though its orange broadband, so make sure u know that before u get one x
just to let you know, that if you do go with this orange broadband thing and that, you have to be sign to them for 2 years exsisting customers to orange cant do it,
theres a few catches so i would be careful.

also Pc world are bollocks, i went there to get this laptop it was packed and there was about 6 staff serving about 40 people., and when we asked for someone to help us we got told we had to wait 40 minutes just so some guy could go out the back and collect my computer,
we then said we wernt doing it for the pure fact i am 8 months pregnant and there are no chairs in pcworld and they said to order in online then
came home and did that.. it gave us a ref number, and then dad stil had to go back up to pcworld and get my laptop and had to wait the 40 minutes, but he complained and they made things go quicker,

honestly in my opinion i would go elsewhere if the other places has the laptop/computer/stuff you need cos pcworld really are crap. tbh
When they have things like this though robyn_ then yes they do get busy, and 40 mins is nothing compared to some of the custmomers we have dealt with, if they really want the deal that is on, then you should be aware so will everyone else, and half the time its first come first serve, pregnant or not! we give tickets to ppl and they are seen in turn..
Becksss said:
I dont really play games on the computer i have DS and possibly soon a wii

I just use the net a hell of a lot its on like 1000 mins a day it tells me when i log off aol

i do have a hell of a lot of music as well

well for music then i suggest you get one with a big harddrive, so it can store it all unless your planning on writing to a disc and not storing it on your laptop!
sunshinestars said:
Becksss said:
I dont really play games on the computer i have DS and possibly soon a wii

I just use the net a hell of a lot its on like 1000 mins a day it tells me when i log off aol

i do have a hell of a lot of music as well

well for music then i suggest you get one with a big harddrive, so it can store it all unless your planning on writing to a disc and not storing it on your laptop!
i would store on laptop is there 1 u culd recommend?
sunshinestars said:
When they have things like this though robyn_ then yes they do get busy, and 40 mins is nothing compared to some of the custmomers we have dealt with, if they really want the deal that is on, then you should be aware so will everyone else, and half the time its first come first serve, pregnant or not! we give tickets to ppl and they are seen in turn..

im not saying that are totally bad, where you work was probably better about the situation compared to where i am,
they were really really rude to us, and a few others
just didnt seem nice.
Becksss said:
sunshinestars said:
Becksss said:
I dont really play games on the computer i have DS and possibly soon a wii

I just use the net a hell of a lot its on like 1000 mins a day it tells me when i log off aol

i do have a hell of a lot of music as well

well for music then i suggest you get one with a big harddrive, so it can store it all unless your planning on writing to a disc and not storing it on your laptop!
i would store on laptop is there 1 u culd recommend?

I dont know whats on the market hun, otherwise i would, i havent been to work in 3 months now.. but i'll have a look on the website for you! what kind of price you looking at!
Robyn_ said:
sunshinestars said:
When they have things like this though robyn_ then yes they do get busy, and 40 mins is nothing compared to some of the custmomers we have dealt with, if they really want the deal that is on, then you should be aware so will everyone else, and half the time its first come first serve, pregnant or not! we give tickets to ppl and they are seen in turn..

im not saying that are totally bad, where you work was probably better about the situation compared to where i am,
they were really really rude to us, and a few others
just didnt seem nice.

depends if its a big hit store, i agree some of the staff can be nasty or come acrrose as rude.. come to me..im nice :rotfl:
sunshinestars said:
Becksss said:
sunshinestars said:
Becksss said:
I dont really play games on the computer i have DS and possibly soon a wii

I just use the net a hell of a lot its on like 1000 mins a day it tells me when i log off aol

i do have a hell of a lot of music as well

well for music then i suggest you get one with a big harddrive, so it can store it all unless your planning on writing to a disc and not storing it on your laptop!
i would store on laptop is there 1 u culd recommend?

I dont know whats on the market hun, otherwise i would, i havent been to work in 3 months now.. but i'll have a look on the website for you! what kind of price you looking at!
any really lol not like over a grand haha
I bought a printer from pc world that was faulty so they were going to exchange it for a different one np but then it was about £30 more expensive than when i had looked online, they said to get that price i had to reserve it before i came instore they tried to reserve it but couldn't coz there were less than 3 in stock so i had a refund ordered it online with free dlivery LOL what a strange system

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