painfull wind


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
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poor lillie has really been suffering with wind and seems to have a scream when she farts and always pulling her legs up what could cause this ??
poor littl thing :hug:

alice did this. i find infacol sorted her right out.
Poor Lillie. That is classic colic. Infacol worked for us as well. I am not sure what causes colic but winding them after a feed properly is essential and also rubbing their tummy clockwise helps.
ive given emily infacol since she was 4days old her wind is that bad
she cries when she farts, i feel so sorry for her
is it just a baby thing cos everyone i talk to says the same thing, luke screams when he has his bowels open and hes not constipated, hes always has done. :shakehead:
ok thanks ladies feel better lillie not the only one. got some infocol so hopefully that will help poor little bubbas xx
My friend is a MW and came for coffee today - Libby is a greedy eater and takes in a lot of air so gets a bit of wind - she advised that if you sit the baby upright on your lap, support the head and neck and rotate the baby in a circle (so that bum stays still and tummy moves round) 5 times to help ease and release - then wind baby as normal. This should help a bit too - I did this with Lib earlier and she gave me a big belch after :shock:

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