

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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the HV came to my house a couple of weeks ago and i told her about owen feedign loads etc... she said (even tho he was only just 3 months at the time) that if he started feeding every 3 hours i could give him a little baby rice each day.

well for the last couple of days he has been feeding every 3 hours, even in the night, so yesterday i tried him with a little baby rice at tea time, i thought it might fill him more & help him sleep. he had it again today at the same time but its not doing anything! he still wants feeding 3 hours later!! hes having some baby rice & a 5oz bottle! he normally has 6oz bottles but i use some of the milk from the bottle for his rice.

my questions are... is it ok 4 him to have the baby rice now?? should he have the baby rice & a full 6oz bottle?? and now that he is having baby rice, can he have anything else or does he have to stay on this until he is 4 months??

sorry 4 all the questions, just confused what to do!!

Hi Hun,

We started Jamie on baby rice when he was 3 months because he was/is such a big boy & was drinking so much milk. He was having 5 9oz bottles in a 24hour period :shock:
I gave him baby rice in addition to his milk for about 2 weeks then tired him on some rusks, which he loved. When he was about 4 months we started to give him pureed butternut squash, then after a few days tried some sweet potato mixed with it then he had brocolli, cauliflour, swede & parsnip. I would make up individual pots (ice cube size) and freeze them.
To start off with he had 1 cube then after a bit of time when a bottle of milk dropped we gave him 2 cubes.

You could try increasing the amount of milk he has in one feed if he'll take it otherwise increase the amount of baby rice.

How much does Owen weigh now?
he weighed 17lb 3.5oz last tuesday, if i feel up 2 it 2moz ima take him to get weighed again.

he is a very big boy, weighed just under 9lb at birth and is just as big as my friends 5 month old little boy :shock: he is drinking more than 6 6oz bottles now, next time i do his bottles im going to do 7oz, see how he gets on.

i might increase the amount of baby rice he has, if he'll take it, he doesnt really like it, think because he has no taste. yesterday i was eating a banana and i let him have a little taste, just put a bit on my finger and on his lip, he loved it. so i think he will be fine with food when he has it. just wasnt sure if he had to have baby rice until he was 4months.

thanks xx
Is he on 2nd milk Hayley?

He sounds like a big boy and it probably is just hunger. I know you're not in England but if your HV says to give him rice then its obviously what they do over there for everyone and they're probably all ok. All babies are different and I know lots that have been started on food at around Owens age.

If he takes to it then i'd stick with rice for a while and try the suggestions that Nicki said. I think rice is only suggested so it gets them used to the texture without the taste so you're not introducing too much at once.

Tan xx

Sounds like he is getting big hun, Thats around what Kiara weighed at 6 months. Hope you find somthing that works

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