Outfits, changes in a day?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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How many outfits, changes, did you do with your LO a day, in the first week? And did it stay to that amount in the following weeks? I'm guessing it's a case of changing LO if there's any wee or sick about, for day and night wear, but roughly how many outfits will I be getting through a day in the first weeks? :? Thankyou very much in advance, I'm sure I'll know soon enough, but any advice or tips greatly appreciated, thankyou :hug:
Austin was never really sick so he's only ever really had one outfit a day, then a sleepsuit at night. Some people prefer to keep baby in babygros for the first few weeks but I couldn't resist the little outfits so Austin wore 'proper' clothes from day 1!

He still generally only has one outfit a day. There have been a couple of occasions where he's had a rather explosive poo and I've had to change him, but other than that the only changes are when he's hot or cold.

Other people may have different experiences though.
when we were in hospital i was changing Harleys sleepsuit about 4times a day but that was only because he was soooo sicky
i would usually say 1 sleepsuit through the day then a fresh one at night but just use a muslin square all the time to save you changing clothes all the time.

but little boys always wee when you change them so your best stripping them off for nappy change
Jake only ever went through a couple outfits a day usually which was his day outfit and nightwear. Occasionally he might have needed to be changed if he was sick on his outfit but not all of the time. When Jake got a bit sicky I just used to keep a bib on him most of the time to save changing him too much.
Keeley only had two changes a day from day clothes to a sleepsuit :)
Id say 3 at the most, i just had loadsa baby grows and trousers handy if stephen were sick as a baby
When Harry was newborn he'd have between 3-4 changes a day due to his nappy exploding or him being sick everywhere but as he got older its decreased and he generally only has 2 changes being from nightwear to day and nightwear again, sometimes he has a change of top or trousers cause he is still quite sicky
willow just has 2 changes from night wear to day wear, i only change her again if she is sick or has a messy poo but this never really happens
I'd say for the first week or 2 they will maybe need changing 2-3 times a day. I've found that boys need changing more than girls though due to them weeing all up there arms. It settles down after the 1st couple of weeks when they stop being sick as much. Nathan just has one outfit for the day now and a babygrow at night (usually)
Redshoes said:
How many outfits, changes, did you do with your LO a day, in the first week? And did it stay to that amount in the following weeks? I'm guessing it's a case of changing LO if there's any wee or sick about, for day and night wear, but roughly how many outfits will I be getting through a day in the first weeks? :? Thankyou very much in advance, I'm sure I'll know soon enough, but any advice or tips greatly appreciated, thankyou :hug:

Not very many, as Oli is breastfed she didnt have much poo as they get exactly what they need and wont produce much waste. But when you get to this age you may find yourself doing it 2 or 3 times when you get poo going up the back :roll: :lol:
Ruby has alwas had a baby gro at night..she stays in it till mid mornin, change her into outfit. At bedtime she had clean vest/baby gro and thats it. She is quite a clean baby tho :cheer:
Thankyou everyone for your experience :) :hug:
I guess the tricky part will be choosing which gro or outfit to put on that day :lol:
Thanks again, take care xXx
A supply of muslin squares will help for feeding, catching sick and burping your little one! I also used one on top of the moses basket sheet (tucked in at the sides so it can't be pulled up over face) under baby's head so if there was any dribble/sick in the night, I wasn't forever changing the sheets, only need to wash the muslin.

Hope this helps!

In the typical day Kiara would onlyhave one outfit . She never got sick.
Dionne thanks for that tip on the boys will help loads im sure
Dylan was just in a nappy for first few days as he was under light for jaundice but he was a clean baby who wasn't sick and lived in his babygrows for the first month unless he was going out so I changed him once a day more for frshness than anything.
we went through 4 outfits at the hospital over 24 hours and then 2 or 3 a day since depending on how dribbly/sicky he is

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