other children


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Ok anyone got any advice for me on how to prepare my 2 yr old for the birth of her little brother, shes is a great kid who loves looking after her friends so iam hoping she will be the same with baby :)

Anyone got any friendly advice?

Dionne has a little girl too and she got Dior a doll so when she was giving her attention to Harley, Dior could look after her own "baby"
I got my son a bear from the bear factory :)

My son is older though so I had it quite easy. I'd say just make a big fuss about how she's going to be a Big Sister and isn't the baby so lucky to have a nice Big Sister like her etc.
I'm sure they will.... but also make sure when people come to visit they don't come to "see the baby" but to see both of them and make a big fuss over her all the time.

Later I would make sure that sometime you get quality time with just your eldest, have someone watch the baby for an hour so you can go to the park with her or something...it seems obvious but it is very important!
im afraid i didn't do anything :oops: except talk naturally about the baby etc. I didn't make a huge issue of things

Thanks for the advice i got her godmother to get her a doll and she loves it and tries to find the doll so iam hoping she is going to be fine. Thanks for the advice :cheer:
she'll be fine sophie! Just talk postitivly about the baby and don't make a huge fuss and all will go well. :hug:
budge said:
im afraid i didn't do anything :oops: except talk naturally about the baby etc. I didn't make a huge issue of things

same here, charlie was 18 months when ethan was born, i just made sure i involed her in looking after him, that way we still spent lots of time together and she didnt feel left or pushed out.

with coby i didnt have to do anything coz charlie and ethan are that much older so they understand. i still invole them in bathtimes and stuff tho.

next time round i will do the same, invole coby in things with the new baby

and i used to make sure that when ethan napped, i cuddled and played with charlie, i will do the same with coby, sod housework lol

My little girl has just turned 2 and im due next month. I have always referred to the baby as 'our' baby rather than my baby. I have took her to antenatal appointments as and when was practical and we talk about the baby.

She loves Thomas the tank engine and thinks the baby is bringing her Peter Sam, one of the engines.

I bought this baby different bottles from the ones Jessica had/has (still gets a morning and night one) and she loves to bring one through to show visitors babys bottles.

I wasnt keen on the idea of a doll, I felt that it might set up a barrier like this is your baby and this is my baby but after speaking to Dionne about it im a bit more relaxed about it. Especially after she was giving the doll a horsy. Rather the doll than the baby. :lol:

Im going to get her special wee toys to play with, things that will amuse her while im feeding. Im going to find the link and post it under reviews for these things that are like geomag only for tots. They are fab.

Good luck, it gives me no end of worry. Oh, this months edition of mother and baby has a scenario of a mum with a 2 year old and a baby on the way. Some of it good and some of it not so good but im not expecting the Waltons.

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