OPK question


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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for a non internet friend!

how soon can the OPK pick up your pregnant? hers picked up shes pregnant and we are trying to work out how pregnant. without her buying anything else or waiting for scan does anyone know how early this can pick up the Pregnancy hormone??? xx
Oh oh oh we have googled some interesting stuff and everywhere says OPK are way more sensitive than pregnancy tests and pick up earlier. cool, sorted x

INTERESTING article about using OPK as HPT
A woman trying to conceive asked her doctor if she could use Ovulation Predictor Tests (OPK's) as Home Pregnancy Tests (HPT's). The reason for the question is that it is asked a lot on "trying to conceive" web sites. Many women will have an extra OPK after ovulating and may want to use it as an HPT. Here is what the doctor said.

The chemical make-up of LH (LH is the hormone that triggers the release of the egg and is very high prior to ovulation and causes a positive result on an OPK), is one thread short of being hCG (HCG is produced by the placenta during prenancy and it is what HPT's look for). That is why you will not get a + hpt if you are having your LH surge, but you will get a + OPK if you are pregnant, that one thread that is in the hCG, but missing from the LH is what makes the hpt work.

But on the other hand, he did say that an OPK is probably the most sensitive hpt you can buy. He said that there are two ways to use it.

1. Using it daily and if your test line gets darker then you are most probably pregnant

2. Use it once (yeah right ), and if your test line is as dark as or darker than the referance line then you are pregnant.

He said that the only bad things about using the OPK are that

1. The OPK will pick up a + hCG before the doctor's office test but about two days after a beta test would pick it up (detecting 10mIU of hCG being between 7dpo - 9dpo ~ according to the average impant of 5-7 days), so if you are waiting to take a urine test at the doc's office, you would still have to wait.

2. It detects pregnancy so early that it will detect chemical pregnancy and early m/c pregnancy

3. Cannot be used reliably by PCOS patients if they have a high LH (as most do)
why does your friend not get a clearblue digital test that tells you how many weeks up to 4weeks? its impossible to tell how far on you are with ov tests. Is she assuming shes pregnant using only ov sticks?
shes done a HPT test now ans is pregnant, and was just curious as to how soon that opk picked up she was pregnant.

Mostly to see when she conceived (as she is not with the original man anymore and had moved onto someone else) DONT ASK lol x

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