Ooooooooooooh i got a parcel today!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I got a really cool parcel delivered from England today!

My simplymeitai carrier from Maria! Because im a pain the backside i had her custom make me one in a larger body size because Thea likes to sleep in them in a back carry and baby sized MT's a just a bit to short now a days. To make me an even bigger pain i then got Maria to make it from a fabric she didnt stock so she had to buy from it a seller who seemed to be a bit of a moron!

It is gorgeous and i love how light it is. I had a quick try out with it while we popped to the shop it i can say it easily as comfortable as some of my very well known branded MT's.

I dont have an action pic yet because my daughter is filthy now and the carrier is cream lol.

ETA I forgot i had this pic that Maria sent me so you can see it what it looks like.
awww it's gorgeous Melanie!! :cheer: Hope Thea likes it 8)
wow that is stunning!!! I love the material!

Please get a piccy soon Mel, I love Thea pics!
I'll get some pics soon but you'll be able to see Thea and me starring in the how to use a MT videos in Maria's site in the very near future. Im going to be making them for her over the next few weeks :)
yay, i just saw this thread, I love that sling I didnt want her to have it lol!! Sp pleased you received it so quick! x
Ooohhhh thats beeeaaauuutiful! Gorgeous fabric! You and Thea are gonna look fab, nice one Maria, would order one myself but not allowed :roll: :x

(OH bought us a gorgeous Babyhawk and says I can use it as a pattern and make my own from now on if I really 'need' more! lol)

But I'm still jealous!

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