Only 10 weeks left


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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OMG, I only have 10 weeks left, not sure where the time has gone, feels like it was only yesterday when I took the test and had a very big shock! Cant wait to meet bubs now :)
The weeks fly by don't they? Do you know what your having? xx
woop congrats on you both your done so well :D so happy and excited for you :D xx
i feel the same, it seems like yesterday that i was looking at the test and wondering how we would manage with a newborn ;)

cant wait to meet him, see what he looks like, what bits he has taken from me and from Liam :)
It does seem to have gone fast in some ways, I wonder if we will miss being pregnant when its all done. Can't wait to meet my little man and bring him home. Well done on getting so far, and fingers crossed for a quick and easy 10 weeks xxx
It goes so quick doesn't it!! Can't believe its 10 weeks to go! Be interesting to see who gets to meet their little baby first, me, you or erin...were all so close! x
:yay: it does feel like a milestone doesnt it

I know what you mean, time has flown when you look back, even though I know I had moments when I felt like it dragged. Moving house during pregnancy is definately a good distraction!!!
YAY!! im counting down the weeks to get to 10weeks left lol iv got 14weeks left and doesnt feel like long but its 3months lol. Good luck :) x
Ive got 19 days left!!!! Time is now going slow....................... But isnt it so exciting!!!
Funny how time races by until you only have a few weeks left and get really impatient - going overdue is like torture!
I know, Im counting everyday! 17 days to go.... At least with all this hot weather I can just enjoy lazing in the sun!!!

I feel like I wont miss being pregnant at the moment but thats just because im so desparate to have her, Im actually EXCITED about LABOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait... I feel so huge.
10 weeks for me 2 :dance::):). theres loads of us due in the same week. going to b a busy week in the birth announcements!!

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