One of those days...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi all, just need to let it out. I feel so emotional and down today. My closest friends don't have babies or are even in the right time to be thinking about them. I feel left out and alone. Tonight my DH has gone to his mates which is fine. But I just feel so lonely and emotional. I contacted my closest mates and they were both busy. They seem to be quite often now. Will it be like this from now on? I hope to make new friends that are like minded and in the same situation as me when baby is born. I sound so pathetic, I'm sorry. Just feel so :-(
I tnk a lot of it is completle normal and is cos ur hormones r raging, I have been really strppy and irrational for the past 3weeks since I have found out. For me its the hormones combined with the worry aand stress that we might not make it to 3mnths again this time. Plsa my OH thinksa that if we dnt talk about a'baby' then if we get bad news at our ascan on tuesday it will be easier to get over. What he doesn't realise is what it feels like to a) be pregnant and b) to live and breathe every single moment knowing something is growing inaside u, and that something might go wrong :(
I'm feeling very worried, anxiousa n qauite tearful at the minute, altho we are off to cornwall for 4 days and our early scan isÁ
the day after we get back (tuesday) sa I can safely say that by weds we'll know one way or another. Fingers crossed.
And listen lula, honestly, ur life will change when u have ur baby and it will open so many new social circles and ull make a heap of new girlies, u may even grow out of ur old one. Hope ur feeling better n if u need a rant, give me a shout xx xx
None of my friends have kids and being the first is very daunting so can totally appreciate how u feel! But I reckon once we r settled with bubs it will all sort itself out! X

Totally understand how you feel - none of my friends have kids either - and one of my best friends has not even contacted me since I told her I am pregnant. Others have been interested in asking how I am but as for things like not smoking around me they have been kind of inconsiderate - I think once you are pregnant everything changes and that cannot be helped - I think once the baby is born my friends will be thrilled but i expect a lot of nights sitting in with OH and bubs - but that is totally fine as it is where I am at :)
my sister was in the same boat and went to ante natal classes etc, trying to meet likeminded people in the same boat, really worked for her! I'm planning to do the same, give it a try xx

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