Ondansetron - Morning Sickness Advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
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Hi ladies,
I am currently pregnant with my second child and suffering badly with morning sickness (I did with my first but what with having an 8 month old im really struggling with this one). My doctor has put me on Odansetron which really helps but I've stupidly googled it and now am terrified I've damaged our baby and should stop taking it! My question is have any of you used it and everything has been fine? I really really don't want to stop taking it as it helps me so much and the idea of going back again to the doctor is horrible as they told me I should expect ms and to get over it basically!! I am sick all day and night if I wake and struggle to care for dd when not on this :(. Has anyone had positive experiences on it? Or negative! Thanks x
Wow your lucky to be put on ondansetron first, my doctors are mean and give me the lower ones first. Anyway I digress, I had ondansetron in my last pregnancy from 9wks til 24wks after I was admitted to hospital when the other meds weren't working. I have a perfectly healthy little boy so if it helps you take it. I'm taking my left over prochloprazine at the mo but will take ondansetron again if my sickness gets really bad again xx
Thanks Kanga, really good to know! Prochloroperazine did nothing for me! What dosage where you on?
4 mg on the tablets and I had 8mg melts at the start. The prochloprazine isn't doing too much to be honest, but I'm only just at the stage where the sickness really kicks in for me and this morning I feel so ill. Just about to go to work and not sure I'm going to handle the drive in! xx
I was sick in someones driveway one morning with dd1! Its so horrible... went on for 20 weeks all day as well :( x
It's just awful isn't it. I lasted 2hrs and came home. Been dozing in bed since but need to get up now as hubby just left for work and I have 2 boys to look after. Think I need to get stronger meds from the doc. I'm 6+1wks, what about you? xx
Its definitely harder when you have little ones already isn't it! Ive been sick three times already this morning as im trying to last on just one tablet a day. Figure the lower the dose the less issues! I don't know how far along I am as I was still breastfeeding when I fell pregnant so never had a period! I guess about 8 weeks as my sickness kicked in last time about 4 weeks in x
I was sick twice before giving up. Feeling a bit brighter at the mo and able to eat something so that's good. Definitely take more if you need to hun, I was taking 3 a day and was still sick sometimes and had the all day nausea but they let me cope at home. I was signed off work from 6-14wks both times so it's not a surprise it has taken hold already. The early morning starts are just a no no with it. Think I need to speak to boss later and tell him I won't be in for a while, not good when I only started a month ago!! xx
Oh no! Yeah timing isn't great here either... going back to work after 9 months off this month and going to have to tell them I'm pregnant again!

Isn't it you who has a scan today? Hope it goes well, is the pain less now? X
Yeah I have a scan today. Pain is coming and going but still pretty painful. Kept me up a bit last night too.

Going to be nosey now. Was baby planned? We hadn't exactly planned to conceive now as ttc was meant to start in Dec but forgot a condom just once lol kinda scared at the thought of 3 and looking after 2 when the sickness gets worse. My two are 3 and just 1 so got my hands full lol xx
No not planned but we had always wanted 2 so just earlier than expected! Yeah Chloe is hard enough work at 8 months... at least shes not moving yet! The first trimester sucks ass :(. X
There is a flawed piece of research that linked early use of ondansetron in pregnancy with congenital heart defects. The risk is so miniscule it is not really worth concerning yourself with it. Ondansetron is the best anti emetic and it is not first line treatment because it is expensive. The trouble is most medications in pregnancy is unknown as you cannot research drugs on pregnant women. You can look at women after they have taken a drug but cannot control it like a proper trial.
Thanks glowing, stupid googling anything!! Think I'm going to continue with it but try and just take once a day and cope for the rest x
hi! I was on cyclizine and odansetron combined from week 9 to week 16 then cyclizine until last week (28 weeks!!). I have been awfully sick so I feel for you.

my gp wanted me off the odansetron quick as the worst side effect is the constipation apparently but it is also third line (it really works!). Anyway when I came off it she gave me metaclopromaide which she told me was second line (or something like that) but I never took that one as it started to ease a bit.

pregnancy sickness support is a useful website.

my baby is bang on weight, aside from.the sickness all has been good fingers crossed it stays that way!

I do hope you feel better soon feel free to pm me as the sickness really can get you down xxxx
Thanks glow thats really lovely of you :). Yes its horrible and the knowledge that last time was bad makes me dread it with an 8 month old in tow! Makes it worse I have no idea how far along I am so no 'goal to get to'. Think I may book an early scan x
I had hyperemesis all the way through last year until my son was delivered, I had ondansetron and cyclezine hydrochloride all the way through and he's perfect :) try not to worry x
Thanks hun, nice to hear everyones little ones are ok! Had an early scan today and naughty little seamonkey is 9+5 :)
You were a bit ahead of what you thought then, no wonder your sickness is so bad at the mo. I was admitted to hospital at 9wks in my last pregnancy due to hyperemyesis. I think in order of strength it goes cyclizine, prochloprazine, metachlopromide and then ondansetron. I'm hoping to get ondansetron on Monday. I'll be nearly 7wks by then and probably in desperate need of them xx
Yeah im pleased because im a couple of weeks closer to it being over! It was such a cute wiggly bean :) x
I bet, I keep thinking the days are dragging by so slowly. I'm only 6+3wks :( xx

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