
Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Missing toddler found in metal box

A missing toddler was found trapped inside a large metal box at a council-run nursery, it has been revealed.

Mitra Ahmadi arrived at the nursery in Manchester to collect her son, only to find staff frantically searching for him.

Two-year-old Ben Sangi was eventually found locked inside a metal container used to store toys.

And the Government are trying to encourage people to put their kids in Nurseries and go back to work?! :wall:
And people wonder why i dont wana put hope in nursery :wall:
as if it isn't scary enough sending your kiddies to nursery- that disgusting!
This is so shocking and shows that there are bad nurseries out there. But you shouldn't say this is a reason for not sending your child to nursery as there are some extremely good ones out that that provide an excellent standard of child care. Lucy gets so much from nursery that I could never provide for her by myself.

This should never have happened even for 1 minute let alone 2 hours! :shakehead:
That is so awful as a trained nursery nurse having worked in a number of nurseries and worked as head nursery nurse I cannot understand how a child could possibly be not noticed missing for 10 minutes let alone a couple of hours, and to tell Mum he had been picked up by Dad is awful what if Dad hadn't been in the car and Mum had gone home assuming he had picked the boy up and the nursery shut the poor little lad could have been in there all night!!! :shock: :evil:

Please ladies don't let this put you off nurseries, you have to be careful to pick a good nursery - visits to look around the nursery and requesting to spend some time there to witness the day to day run of the nursery will help you find a good one, but there are lots of good nurseries out there! The majority take your childs safety extreamly seriously and have many many measures in place to ensure nothing untoward were to happen to them, for example in the last nursery I worked at all children were counted out into the out doors play area and back in again there would be no chance of one being shut in a shed and not noticed missing, also no children were allowed in the sheds where toys were kept anyway! It is so sad that the few bad nurseries give them all a bad name! :twisted:
I would go mad if that happened to Isaac :shock:

Isaac isn't going to a nursery unless its attached to a primary school where there are actual teachers around and not untill he can talk properly and tell me what goes one when I'm not there!!!!!
It's this sort of thing that really puts me off nurseries.

My kids will be starting nursery when they are 3 (Lydia is starting in January) when they are entitled to the free places, and not before :shakehead: - I fear for children that can't vocalise because they can't tell you whether or not they are being looked after properly.
lou said:
Isaac isn't going to a nursery unless its attached to a primary school where there are actual teachers around and not untill he can talk properly and tell me what goes one when I'm not there!!!!!

In a school with "Actual Teachers" you child can be in a group of as many as 31 children to 1 responsible adult. At nursery the ratio is much higher (1:3 or 1:4 depending on their age under 4)

Nurseries can be superb places where the standard of care is extremely high. My daughters nursery is one such as this. Just because a child can't vocalise doesn't mean you have no idea of how your child is being looked after, there are other ways of telling too.

Besides that, Lucy vocalises all the time but if you ask her about what she did at nursery that day she usually says "nothing" which obviously isn't true.

I'm sorry for being so strong about this but I feel strongly that the majority of nurseries are good places and I hate that people assume that Teachers are better than Nursery staff. As with any profession, there are good and bad.
I'm so shocked not to have seen this on the news yet.
Becky said:
lou said:
Isaac isn't going to a nursery unless its attached to a primary school where there are actual teachers around and not untill he can talk properly and tell me what goes one when I'm not there!!!!!

In a school with "Actual Teachers" you child can be in a group of as many as 31 children to 1 responsible adult. At nursery the ratio is much higher (1:3 or 1:4 depending on their age under 4)

Nurseries can be superb places where the standard of care is extremely high. My daughters nursery is one such as this. Just because a child can't vocalise doesn't mean you have no idea of how your child is being looked after, there are other ways of telling too.

Besides that, Lucy vocalises all the time but if you ask her about what she did at nursery that day she usually says "nothing" which obviously isn't true.

I'm sorry for being so strong about this but I feel strongly that the majority of nurseries are good places and I hate that people assume that Teachers are better than Nursery staff. As with any profession, there are good and bad.

I really can't comment on all nurseries because I don't know about the standard ratios of children to staff and what not. What I do know is what I'm told by people and what I read about in the papers and hear on the news. I have heard of children hanging themselves, choking to death, being shut in boxes (ie this thread) and escaping from the building etc from nurseries but I don't recall hearing any stories like this about primary school nurseries. Thats speaks volumes to me. Sorry, just my opinion. I don't trust nurseries :(
How on earth can this happen?????

Missing toddler found in metal box
A missing toddler was found trapped inside a large metal box at a council-run nursery, it has been revealed.

Mitra Ahmadi arrived at the nursery in Manchester to collect her son, only to find staff frantically searching for him.

Two-year-old Ben Sangi was eventually found locked inside a metal container used to store toys.

I'm trying to find more info from a news site online.


Just found this - it really has to be read to be believed....... ... ssing.html
Mel&Bean said:


I just merged the posts! My first merge! *bow* How clever is this new forum!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Mel&Bean said:


I just merged the posts! My first merge! *bow* How clever is this new forum!

Valentine Xxx

:clap: I wish I knew what merging posts meant but it sounds impressive :clap:

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