omg only 99 days till due date


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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I cant believe it, i just looked at honeyloops ticker and thought wow she only got 99 days to go, then i realised we were due same date and i too have 99 days to go, i cant believe how fast this has gone.
do u think its going fast? Mine is dragging :( i find these tickers great tho cause like you said you look at peoples and think wow they dont have long and realise they pretty close to you :) So when your bundle of joy here il be happy as il be that good bit closer :):):) heheheh xx
:) my daughter asked me how many days til the baby was due a couple of days ago & I checked with an online date calculator & saw it at 101 days then. 99 and counting!!! :) :) I can't wait, soooo excited!
Its great isn't, I looked at mine this morning and thought wow, into double figures now!
I'm looking forward to single week figures coming up very soon! xx
i have alwaysgne early so only been at single figures once, i wonder wether i will make the sngle figures this time.
Mumofmany how early u been on each child?
1st child about 14 days early, 2nd child 12 days early, 3rd child 7 weeks early, 4th child 7 days early, 5th child 10 days early. i was induced with 2nd early cause of fast labours, then with 4th and 5th when i went in 2 weeks before to be checked i wasn;t ready, then went into labour naturally before next appointmnet to be induced.

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