Omg her colics back with avengance Help!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
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hey all Omg Avas colic is back with avengance not only does she scream and tense all evening she now has it during the day!
she is fed on cow and gate premium (green box) we have tried infacol, gripe water and colief all seemed to work for a short period! now nothings working! grrrrr
any advice please!!! HELP!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:hug: I wish i could help. Charlotte is getting it from about 4 or 5 a.m and has odd spells of it during day. It isnt too bad but i wish i knew what else i could suggest.
Maybe someone else will have some ideas

Hope it improves soon. :hug:
hey nikki :D
its sooo hard,
Feel so helpless, her swing helps quite a lot but she cant be in that all the time, Its hard in the day as its just me here Miks at work, nice when he takes over tho must admit, just keep thinking she will grow out of it at 4 months only another 2 to go :shock:
lol xxxxxx
i know i look forward to DH coming in from work :D

Charlotte had bad day yesterday and wouldnt sleep when tired, just screamed and screamed and its so hard. Hopefully they will grow out of it before 4 monthss!! :shock:

You might try changing formula brands, sometimes helps.

Failing that if you get really desperate you could try knocking her out with a dose of calpol! Not that you should do that on a regular basis of course!
Ellie had the same thing. It is awful, :hug: , but be re-assured it does eventualy get better.

The thing we found that helped most was doing special massages on her tummy, and then folding her legs up to her chest, then massaging her tummy. As soon as the pain started to hit.

I will try and find the details I wrote up a while ago and send them to you.
They typically grow out of the colic at 3months. Ellie did. It was worse at about 1.5months IIRC.
thanks for your help, roll on 3 months, she has her jabs on friday! so she will be having a dose of the old calpol :)
I found that Maddison got better when we changed her milk from Aptamil to SMA Gold. Before this we had screaming sessions 9am-11am, 4pm-7pm, 9pm-midnight and 3am-5am :shock: We were exhausted :( When we switched her milk her colic times seemed to be between 9pm-midnight for a couple of weeks and now she doesnt have them at all :cheer: I also think giving her cooled boiled water around 7pm helped her tummy loads :hug:

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