Sickness, 16 days old please help..


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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My little lad was quite poorly when he was born and lost 10% of his body weight (went from 9.6 to 8.7 in 4 days) and while i was trying desperately hard to breast feed him he just wasn't getting enough and his jaundice was getting worse as his fluid levels were too low to get rid of the toxins so basically i've kinda been bullied into formula feeding him now :(
Anyway.. he's on cow and gate premium (the green one) and although is putting on weight really well now he is still a very very windy and sicky baby he is also a nightmare when it comes to sleeping and hates being laid in his cot to sleep but will sleep really well in his car seat or on my or DH, could this possibly be a reflux problem? i'm so confused as he really isn't a happy baby unless like i say hes on either of us or sitting in his car seat.
I haven't met my HV yet so can't ask her, was wondering about asking the GP but don't want to appear like a paranoid new mother :roll:
I bought some infacol and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference as he is still loosing hell of alot of his feed when hes laid down even with hours of burping!
I just need some advice really as he is feeding every 2 and a half hours at the moment and both me and DH are frazzled

Help. Someone. Please!!! :pray:
You story competely echos what we went through :hug:

Stanley was diagnosed with a very mild reflux and we found thickened milk (with Gaviscon powder or eventually C+G Comfort) helped.

Make a complete pest of yourself with the HV's if you have to. Hope your little man and you are feeling better soon xxxx
Thanks Minxy, where can i get C&G comfort from? I've not seen it is it prescription?
Leif is like that and always has been, the GP prescribed him Gaviscon but it didnt work in the end we ended up recently getting referred to a paediatrician who said it was reflux and that if the Gaviscon didnt work then the only thing you can do is put up with it until he grows out of it.

Only get Cow & gate comfort if your HV or GP says to as it can make the problem worse, i was told not to use it.
Thanks Flame, i've just been down to the GP and he's done me a prescription for gaviscon so have gone and got that fingers crossed it will work although he is only allowed half a sachet 6 times a day :? think that will work out one every other feed ish :think:
Will try him on it tonight and see if we can keep his feed down and hopefully get some sleep :pray:
christopher has been on gaviscon and C&G comfort from a tiny baby as well. cow and gate comfort can be brought in tesco but we get it on perscription from the doctor because he has reflux- so please ask ur GP about it because it saves us 9.99 a week not haing to buy formula he has ben on just the comfort for ages now we took him of the gaviscon as GP said it is just salt :shock:

the comfort really helped, SMA do a formula called stay down thats ment to be good for sickie babies but dont know if u can get that free from doctor ?? :think:
Wicked thanks for that advice Rhian, i'll speak to the doctor after the weekend and see how he gets on on the gaviscon. :)
That sounds familiar to me too. My advice would be to really hassle your GP. Don't think twice about bothering them. We had the same problem with Tom and I got infant gaviscon which didn't do the trick so then I INSISTED on a referral to a paediatrician where we got more medication which sorted it.
We also swapped milks to Aptimil which helped.
Also COLIEF was good. You can get it from Boots. A tiny bottle for £9.95 but lasts for ages and is VERY good.
Try and keep him upright for at least 20mins after feeding. I know it sounds a pain but it really makes a difference. Also try to feed him as upright as possible.
I really feel for you. We had a terrible time when Tom was little and I just didn't know what on earth was going on. PM me if there's anything else I can do.
Your little one WILL grow out of it but in the meantime, make sure your doctor gives you something to help.
Thanks ladies, it really does help knowing i'm not the only one :hug:
Doctor has prescribed C&G Comfort now so will hope that this keeps the feed down.

Gaviscon helps a little bit but as he is only allowed such a small amount that the feed its in stays down but the other don't :wall:

Still on every 2 hours feeding, however must be doing something right, he's up to 9lb 15oz today at clinic :cheer:
Hi FeeFee,

I only just saw your post. I don't know much about Reflux although my oldest son was also a very sicky baby so I sympathise. I'm glad to read he's now putting on the weight so things are turning around for you.

George went from 8lb 10oz to 8lb 1oz 2 weeks after he was born. I was worried about that but the HV didn't seem concerned. I was also breast feeding with one bottle of formula at night. At 6 weeks I decided to put him on all formula (with a bit of breast for comfort) when I found out I had a low milk supply :( From then on he's gained lots of weight and is doing really well. (Now weighing in at 11lb 3oz!).

I hope you don't feel too stressed about your LO's feeding. I'm sure in a week or two it'll be sorted. Hang in there. :hug:
Thanks Sabrina, he's gaining weight really well, but its just so tiring feeding him like every 2 hours as the milk and gaviscon is so thick he's not drinking more than 3oz's per feed so he is waking or just staying awake for a couple of hours then he wants the same again.
By the time either of us has fed him and winded him then changed him we're back to the next feed time :(
My first was never like this, just shows how every baby is different i guess. :|

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