
Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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now im closer then ever im actually shitting myself over labour i saw that dawn gets a baby last nyt and well now im scared shitless... i was never scared before and i dont no y all of a sudden i have been bricking it... i dont do pain well at the best of times... i know its all worth it but its like pushing a melon out ur fanjita to get a piece of it... just seems a bit u no painful and scary... omg omg omg nooooo :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
:hug: I'm not gunna lie to you, it is very painful and a bit scary, but it is sooo worth it. Put it this way, if it was that bad, every woman would only have 1 kid LOL. You'll be fine. Good luck x :hug:
yeh it will bloomin' hurt, but the pain disapears as soon as you have your babba in your arms.... dont worry hun! :hug:
Hun it will hurt, no point in lying but you will know that it is your little baby on its way and you wont be scared as much, i know it sounds so cheesy but its true. I was in labour for practically three days before he was practically dragged out of me and it hurt like hell but i didnt ask for the pain to stop cause i knew it was for a good reason.

You will be fine :hug: try not to worry to much cayse it will make things worse. I never worried about labour i was looking forward to it believe it or not. :hug: :D
thought labour had started for you by your post :D
i had 3 kids and that programme did scare me i think its the screaming that did it! Never felt the need to scream through labour myself.
the way i see it is screaming going to lessen pain No is concentrating on breathing and relaxing Yes.

You will be fine.
marie x
I'm a screamer I'm afraid, but it is nothing to do with the pain, but all to do with the energy and the pushing IYKWIM. Screeching really does add power to my pushes! :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Option one - be pregnant forever and never meet you baby :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Option 2 - meet baby after horrendous pain. Be able to put on socks again.

I'd like option 2 please :D
i no its got to happen but thats wat is scary the fact that its something i cant back out of now :shock:
I watched that programme too and although it was scary, it made me nearly cry when that lady gave birth in the pool as it was soo lovely to see her reaction when the baby was in her arms. I cant wait to hold mine!!
natalie&jake said:
epidurals are a wonderful thing :wink:

i agree... but glad i got it at the very end so i could experience labour :D
You'll be fine hun, women do it again & again so cant be that bad eh?! If I can do it so can u :D

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