Ok, well I may be a little worried about my Midwife(/husband) now...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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So, have met Dave a couple of times and he really is a nice guy. But. I am so sad there is a 'but'. I have raised a couple of concerns I have with him (I haven't been eating much, not gaining weight and been having terrible dizzy and fainting spells) which he has brushed off completely. Now I know that there probably is nothing wrong with me and that this could be my body adjusting, but I'm still worried. I just want him to be like "Ok I hear you, come on in and we'll chat about it properly" But he just quickly says that everything is fine, I've just to 'chill' and not worry...
I've been on the phone to him again today after nearly 4 days in a row of dizzy spells (one of which had me lying on the floor in the John Lewis pram section :shock:) and he brushed it all off again, I've asked to come in to see him so going tomorrow to talk about it.

Am I being completely unreasonable? I feel horrible for doubting him :( but I really am worried, OH is worried too.

Help! x
No, Absolutely not, I am 21 weeks and i told my midwife about dizzy spells and she said go to your GP if they continue as it could be something more serious, the problem is the midwife is not a doctor cannot diagnose the problem.
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I don't even think its the fact he's a male is it, is the fact that he doesn't seem to be taking your concerns and fainting seriously! I don't think you're being unreasonable at all, is there someone you could discuss it with, perhaps whoever is above him? Hope u feel better soon xxxx
Thanks ladies, yeah I honestly don't mind that he is male. I really don't. I just want him to hear me when I say I'm worried, I'll be at the surgery tomorrow seeing him so will book an appointment with my GP just to go over a few things. xx
I don't think it's the fact Dave is a bloke that is worrying me here hun, it's the fact he doesn't seem to be listening to you?

I do however think he may have a small point that your lack of appetite is the main cause of your dizziness!! However he is has bene rubbish at putting your mind at rest and making you feel better!!

I guess it's a bit late now but I would have said go to your normal GP to have your vital's checked (BP especially!) and see if they are a bit more sympathetic!

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It would far to easy to say it's because he's a bloke, BUT I have met quiet a few very old school midwifes who are exactly the same minded ,so I don't and won't say that.
I do think dizzy spells should be checked out as could be a sign of something more serious , your right to insist I think ,good luck xx
To be honest with you I've found male doctors more receptive than females, but really yeah it's about being blaise'
I definitely don't have an issue with the fact he is male, sorry if my post sounds like that? But yes, will definitely be seeing my GP asap. xx
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Thanks for your advice ladies, feel a bit less like a drama queen now! :lol: x
I wouldnt worry too much about not gaining weight or eating much, I have only just started to gain weight, and even then only half a stone since january. I find it hard to make myself eat, but as long as what you do manage to eat is healthy, you can always take supplements to top it up.
I'd pop in and see your GP, there is not a lot your MW can do really.
I do agree with carnat who said your fainting spells could be to do with not eating much. Is there a reason for this?

I'm about 3 weeks behind you and I havent gained any weight yet. I'm sure we'll pile on the pounds later on. x
I'd pop in and see your GP, there is not a lot your MW can do really.
I do agree with carnat who said your fainting spells could be to do with not eating much. Is there a reason for this?

I'm about 3 weeks behind you and I havent gained any weight yet. I'm sure we'll pile on the pounds later on. x

Thanks hun,
I've just completely lost my appetite, gone off so many foods. I now try and have little bits of food often to save being faced with a daunting meal but even doing that isn't keeping the dizzyness at bay. My BP has always been the lower end of normal so maybe my body is having a hard time with the extra blood flow? mmm...anyway, will be booking an appointment with the GP tomorrow xx

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