Oh when will my scan date come?U/D got date!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I'm obsessively waiting for the mail every day and my scan date letter hasn't come. My midwife sent it 2 weeks ago, does it always take this long? My midwife is coming out to see me tomorrow so I'll ask her.

Sorry for pointless post, I'm just anxious to have my scan and see bean!
It's not a pointless post! It's venting which is what we (and the forum) are here for :D

I felt like I waited ages too... Soon comes around quick though!

Yeah, ask your mw tomorrow :) One of the ladies on here hadn't received hers, she waited and waited then decided to phone the hospital and discovered that her scan was that week! Phew..

Let us know when it is so we can countdown for you :D x
That was me! And they told me it was in two days! My referral had been lost so my GP faxed it, then the hospital sent the letter so it would get to me the day before my scan. I'm very lucky to have a flexible job! Definitely talk to your midwife so you don't get a DNA on your record!
lol oh was it?! I'm great at remembering posts, but poop at remembering who wrote them :wall:
it is frustrating to get the ball rollin its been 3 weeks since i put the test in with docs and i still havnt heard anything from them, il prob fone 2moz to find out when the MW will be callin, got to clean the house b4 she comes lol.
jemz24 said:
it is frustrating to get the ball rollin its been 3 weeks since i put the test in with docs and i still havnt heard anything from them, il prob fone 2moz to find out when the MW will be callin, got to clean the house b4 she comes lol.

I've got to hoover up before she comes in the morning! lol
Ah the joys of being pregnant...

...AND female!!

lol yer never leave it a man they just double the cleaning for you lol
I would phone up and check too. I waited four weeks and was about to do the same when I arrived home to find a letter telling me my scan was the next day. Gotta love the Christmas post.
Seen the midwife and she phoned up the hospital and my scan is 12th March!!! I've got 5 weeks to wait!!
It will fly by hun. I have been waiting that long for mine and it's here next week :cheer: at least you now have something to focus on :D


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