Oh my poor baby!!!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:( :cry: :cry: :cry:

Olivia was in my arms and as I was adjusting my top so my boobs wernt hanging out, she flung herself out of my arm, hit the bed and fell on her back. and I was standing up so she fell a good 4 foot, im in notts thinking about it :cry:

I feel absolutly awful, we phoned an ambulance as she had a massive bump on her head it was so scary, we got to the hospital and she was screaming :( :cry: :cry:

I gave her some magic boobie so she calmed down, which worked straight away :) and the doc saw her.

After 30 mins her bump was down, she was alert and smiling and stunk the room out with her poo :)

It keeps replaying in my head and I feel feel so sick and ashamed that I wasnt holding her more securly, shes going thru a stage of flinging herself everywere and shes sooo strong :( I feel horrible.

They sent us home as everything was fine and gave me a list of thing to look out for.

Shes going to stay with me all the time now and shes feeding alot, so it must be some sort of comfort for her.

How could I be so stupid :wall: :wall: :( :cry:
So glad she's ok hun. Don't beat yourself up about it, accidents happen, it's no one's fault. It's so hard not to feel bad though I know. Mel has banged his head so much this fortnight because he is now running and is trying to climb and walk down stairs rather than crawl. Yesterday we were in a friend's garden and I was standing right next to him as he walked down a small step on her patio and he went splat and I didn't manage to catch him- he landed on his forehead and nose and has grazed the skin off his nose :( I have spent most of the day explaining to people what happened, beating myself up about it, replaying it in my mind and worrying myself silly about scars. In fact I am wondering if there's somewhere you can get cotton-wool bodysuits and hats because I so want to put him in one until he's 18!

Thank you for your reply, aww im sorry hes hurt himself, poor bubbas, its sooo sad.

Aww Tash don't feel bad hun, accidents do happen and she is well; that is what matters! I can imagine how you feel though, it's natural.

You are a fab mummy :hug:

Aw Rosebay, poor Mel. Hope he is ok :hug:
Tash the important thing is she is ok and it was just an accident hun you werent to know she was going to do that so dont beat yourself up just keep her close and watch her, but the thing is accidents happen we wouldnt be human if they didnt, your great mum Tash :hug:
I am just logging on quickly but I just wanted to answer your post and say don't beat yourself up. I know exactly how you feel because every morning after I feed Lreorah she sits up at the end of the settee and watches me pump. Anyway the other day I turned my head for 2 seconds to reach for my pump and she screamed and was hanging off the edge of the sofa with her face a few inches from our laminate floor. She had dived towards me thinking I was leaving her. I feel sick everytime I think about it and have dreamt about it too. I know we can't predict these things and at least we know they will never happen again :hug:

Rosebay, hugs for you and Mel too :hug: It reminds me of my poor mum, my little brother was such a clumsy, daydreamer and was always running into trees or lamp posts or falling down the stairs. She was forever having to explain his wounds away!
Awww Tasha :hug: I have nearly done this so many times, it is so easy to do. Glad that Olivia seems ok. They are alot tougher than you think!
Accidents happen so easily, don't be too hard on yourself. I hope you're both ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww thank you very much everyone :)

I just cant stop thinking about it, just makes my stomach turn :(

Aww Katt :hug: its horrible isnt it, it all happens within seconds :hug:
Thanks so much everyone, really appreciate it :hug: His nose is all scabbed over today and looks like it's healing nicely so I'm keeping my fingers crossed about scars. He just seems so accident prone but then he charges in feet first all the time and usually at high speed so I guess that's why (his eyes seem fine and his shoes are the right size). He always seems to land on his head though- I was usually landing on my knees as a child and have a lovely load of scars on mine.

Being a mum is so hard!
aaarw tash, it happens to the best of us!! Jamie fell out the bed with us durin the middle of the night and narrowly missed my knitting needles which were stickin upright out of a ball of wool!! makes me sick thinkin about it!!!

glad shes ok now tho, magic booby works everytime!! :wink:
Thanks :D

OOO god yes that thought makes me feel sick too :?

yes magic boobies are great :)
Aw these things happen hun, and more things will happen like this over the next few years!
I was pushing Brody to Mason's school last week on his trike, which has a seltbelt thing on it. It seemed really sturdy and stable so I was almost at the school when I let go of the handle to push my hair out of my eyes and he tipped sideways on it, banging his head on the pavement! He got his first black eye! I felt awful! :shock:
Awww poor Brody :hug: I know hun im sure there will be more to come, its like torture! :lol:
Oh hun :hug: These things happen, Harry fell off the sofa a few weeks ago, couldnt stop crying, felt so irresponsible :( Glad she's all ok!!
mark too has fallen off sofa, his dad only took his hand off him for a second and he flung himself forward. He cried for a couple of minutes then was back to normal. i think he got a shock more than anything. Mark didnt learn though and still throws himself towards the edge.

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