Oh god!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I took a walk into town today as the weather was nice, what a mistake! I'm seriously praying that we have a freak snowstorm for the rest of the time until the baby is born! It was sooo hot and I felt really sick. So glad to be home with my feet up. Anyone else feeling the heat?
Oh yes, im feeling it and i'm LOVING it!!!!

I've spent all winter in two jumpers looking like a massive frump, now i get ot wear my lovely little strap tops and display baby bump. I'm sure in a few weeks i'll be moaning but atm i love a bit of heat
Im loving it too, been in the garden reading all day I look like Ive been on the beach :lol:
I think I'd probably enjoy it more if I was just sat in it. Note to self, no more walking long distances in the heat :lol:
I love it! Been in garden most of day too.. burnt my knees! lol. Its supposed to be nicer tommorrow :dance: xx
was gonna sunbathe in the garden...Then relalised I am beyond the colour tan! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Im loving it too, been in the garden reading all day

Me too!!! I love it!!!! :cheer:

Well....not actually the garden cos I don't have one :( I was sat on my doorstep but it was still lovely!!! :cheer: I'm hoping to start looking a bit healthier now I can spend some time in the sun....I'm getting sick of being pale!!!
:lol: we went for a walk along the seafront.... fab for my health.. crap for my self esteem! :lol:

:roll: loads of gorgeous babes in their bikinis... me with my mummy tummy tucked into my jeans! :rotfl:

I'm a little bit sunburnt on my chest though :evil: Gonna sting in the morning :cry:
i normally love the heat but i took the dog for a walk y'day and when i got back felt really dizzy and sick :puke:

saying that i am hoping we have a nice summer as i cant wait to go walking with the pram :dance:
I had a 2 mile walk yesterday at 1pm, that was after being sat in the sun for an hour and 40 mins. I'm burnt!! I've never had sunburn before, it usually takes days and days of sunbathing for me to get the slightest tan. Even when I've been abroad I haven't burnt. I hope my face calms down abit by tomorrow because I'm going shopping with my friend.
I'm loving it, I hate winter cause it means I have to wear layers of clothes and I hate wearing layers of clothes at any time of the year. I love being in sleeveless tops and trousers, shorts or whatever but I love my sleeveless tops. I feel smotherd and ugly with jumpers ect and I also suffer from SADS (winter depression caused my lack of natural sun light) so sunshine is great and lovely for me.

I have to be careful though because even when I'm not pregnant the sun can cause me to have dizzy spells so being pregnant i'm even more at risk of fainting at the moment but I just drink loads and make sure I eat then I seem fine. Not sure how i'm going to feel if it gets mega hot though :rotfl: but at the moment it's lovely.
loving being able to wear all my pretty summer clothes..

hating the heat as I am at work :shakehead:

Im loving it 8) as im on materntiy and i can enjoy each lovely sunny day before id have to endure the lovley weather while loking after the little monsters at work wishing i was laying in the garden or at the beach 8)

stuck in maternity gear thoughaat the mo only fit 2 pairs of trouser cant fir into summer wear if i tried :rotfl:
so cant go for long walks either as i begging to sewlter and pant from the heat

but yes just relaxing taking it easy in thie wonderful sun shine is bliss 8) :D

Hope you enjoy the weather more tommorow :hug:

sarah :wave:

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